Always listen closely. We glide through life just missing treasures that could help us stay the course or change it all together. We're all full of wisdom, each and every person, we just don't stand still long enough to embrace the good. The universe will send the lessons we need all in good time and through vessels we least expect. Let's discuss some of the greatest wise morsels thrown our way.
Redditor u/TheMasterSlayer1 wanted to hear what advice and sage words have been shared that the rest of us need to hear by asking.... What is the wisest thing somebody has ever told you?Snip, snip here...
I like "if you hang around a barbershop long enough, you'll end up getting a haircut" meaning, if you hang around a certain type of person long enough, they'll impact you eventually. ThriftAllDay
If you can laugh at yourself, you'll always have something to laugh about.
Don't remember who told me that, don't know if they were quoting someone, but it stuck. roberto10992
Also it's good because it's hard to get bullied because you learn to just laugh it off. The more you don't care, the harder it is to be hurt emotionally at least. Uh_bruj
Not for Everyone....
When I was really young, my father told me this gem, when I was upset about being teased at school: "No matter how nice and kind you are; there are always going to be people who don't like you or appreciate what you do." I forget if there was anything else he added afterward.
It does sound pessimistic, however I internalized it as, to continuing being kind, and not letting a harsh response or cruel treatment bring me down.I think my dad was trying to teach me not to put too much worth into how much worth others put on me, but focus on my own self worth. Ultimately, in my own perspective, it did help me keep a positive attitude on life.
Update: OMG I was not expecting so many replies! I'll try to catch up and upvote everybody. Thank you for your input and the karma! Leporidae91
And then there's you...
A smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Luck is where preparation meets opportunity. RickySlayer9
I use this one a lot in a professional setting, but my take on it is this:
"A smart person learns from their mistakes.
A wise person learns from others'.
And then there's you..." jDubbaYo
Lack of preparation on your part doesn't call for an emergency on mine. kj_SmrtAlc
In the Army we use to say," bad poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." besquared2
The Good Way...
Don't confuse hard work with good work.
Or, said another way, don't confuse working hard with working smart. TheSquirrelWithin
Be A Man.
"Forget what others think is manly. I think its unmanly to let others tell you whats manly! Doing happy things is manly enough"
A former classmate I really should have talked to a lot more. Green-the-Dragon
Human Fail.
People aren't against you; they're for themselves. super713
Humans are inherently self serving. I can't remember where I heard it but I've never forgotten it. Whether one sees this as a good or bad thing says a decent amount about them. Which_Hedgehog
A wise man once told me "the level of someone's mental breakdown can be measured by the number of inspirational quotes they post." Reddit
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