You ever hear a sound that makes you think "yep, this must be exactly what you hear when you enter hell". It's those sounds that literally make your stomach turn, your hands shake, and your head pound. Wanna hear about the worst ones? Then keep on reading.
u/Ydidichoosethisname asked: What noises give you chills?
GiphyLast night I was in my apartment, thankfully near the door, observing the roach I trapped and minding my own business, when I heard my door handle rotate. It was being turned slowly and quietly but loud enough that I knew I wasn't imagining it.
Normally I keep my door unlocked because I live in a student accommodation and I was planning to shower so I kept the door unlocked for inconvenience. But it sounded like someone was slowly turning the handle like they didn't want me to hear.
It scared the sh*t out of me and I quickly turned the handle to its default position and slammed the lock closed. Hopefully my fast response surprised the burglar/murderer/ghost so he won't come back. Never leaving my door unlocked again.
Nope nope nope nope.
Dentist drill.
There were these ones that my Ortho used on my braces, you could barely feel it, if anything it felt like a light stream of water. But the sound, I could feel it in the roots of my teeth
That's so awful.
My room's door being opened extremely fast.
That's how I was woken up for years. Mom angrily flinging the door open while slapping the light switch on.
She also made sure to run the laundry and/or dishwasher as soon as I got in the shower. That was such an ingrained bit of passive aggressive move that she did it in front of my wife while were visiting.
My wife asked her nicely to wait until I was done with my shower. Ahh the narcissistic fury barely contained while she fumed at being politely corrected. It was also the event that made my wife realize all the bizarre stories I told her were true. (It got weirder before we cut contact).
Cutting contact has been a gift to those I love that has kept on giving. It's done wonders for my happiness.
What a good onomatopoeia!
GiphyTV emergency warning tests.
Or non-tests but not really emergencies. Like a thunderstorm that'll just miss you or something, but the TV still goes "Brorbsjzidkd, Brorbsjzidkd, Brorbsjzidkd, Beeeeeeeeeeep"
It definitely wasn't.
"Carl got another D again " followed by the sound of the remote hitting the TV.
Something tells me the environment wasn't conducive to getting good grades.
HATE that.
When the eraser on a pencil is worn all the way down, and the metal part scrapes against the paper.
Rips the scantron.
Absolutely not.
GiphyNo noise. No sound. Just dead air. Experienced that while on a boat in the middle of the ocean looking down at the bottomless blackness. That existential awareness of being so vulnerable was made more clear with no sounds to distract me from precariousness of my situation.
I love the ocean but when you've swum out far from the beach and you realise that you might be 30-40 meters above the ocean floor.
Or if you have a mask on and let yourself sink for a little bit into the darkness. Watching the streams of sunlight get soaked up by the abyss.
Old man kitty.
My dog or cat licking themselves.
My cat sometimes cleans herself in the dark of the night and it sounds like an old man is eating soup next to my bed while I sleep.
The worst sound in the world.
Long story short, my dads been in and out of the hospital for various things and one time, we overheard a doctor giving some patient's wife "the bad news." The wail that came out of that woman haunts me to this day.
There is something instinctual about a genuine wail that cuts straight through everything. I volunteered at a children's hospital for high school as a grad requirement, walking an entertainment cart room to room with movies, games, and books for the kids. Entered the unit at exactly the wrong time to hear the closest room get bad news when I heard it. A wail that trailed into a loud sob. Immediately had to take as long a break as I dared just to steady myself.
It was like a non-contact gut punch mixed with a mild concussion. I finished that shift in a daze and seriously considered asking to opt out to another volunteer opportunity. When I did go back, the room was empty and I still feel guilty about how relieved I was. I don't think my 17 year old self could have gone in. The blessedly few times I've heard it since then, it takes the wind right out of me.
A worthy PSA.
The second vibration of my phone in the small hours of the morning. One vibration means it's a text or an alert, which is fine, but the second vibration means it's a call, and nothing good comes from an unexpected phone call at 3AM.
I've personally never received a text in the middle of the night that was completely casual. Getting a phone call would def scare the sh*t outta me.
Not to get so serious all of a sudden, but PSA: if you ever get a text/call from a friend at a really late hour you always answer. Doesn't matter how close you are to blacking out, you can decide whether it's worth it or not to sleep afterward.