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People Share Their All-Time Favorite Penguin Facts

People Share Their All-Time Favorite Penguin Facts

Penguins, everyone's favorite flightless bird. They thrive in the barren tundra of the poles, yet they'd make really great pets. Sadly, their habitat is being decimated by climate change. They're too cute to not want to save.

Sickzaur asked animal lovers of Reddit: What's your favourite thing about penguins?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

Penguin cuddle huddles.

Emperor penguins form a huddle to keep warm when the temperature drops really low (like during a blizzard). They group together so they can all stay warm with their body heat and fat. Because the temperatures in the middle of the huddle can actually be too warm for penguins, they take turns being on the outside and inside of the huddle (also so everyone has a chance to be warm).


This warms my heart.


The middle of a huddle can reach 37.5˚C (99.5˚F), while the upper limit for penguin comfort is about 20˚C (68˚F).



That the Norwegian Royal Guards have a penguin as their commander in chief; he is also the only "person" to have been knighted by the King of Norway. His name is Sir Nils Olav. Resides at Edinburgh Zoo. Not so much about penguins in general, but a fun fact anyway.


Do norwegian servicemen visiting the zoo have to salute?


Yes, every time the Guards attend the Edinburgh Tattoo, they go to the zoo, line up and Sir Nils Olav is brought out to inspect the troops.


Super high.

How high they can launch themselves out of water.


I do like high penguins.


Video: Majestically high.


Whatever works.

To launch out of the water, they do this really sophisticated maneuver. They surface, trap air in their feathers, and pressurize it by diving until they have enough. When they do, they release it from their feathers to create a torpedo-like air sheathe and rocket out of the water.

To land, they faceplant.


So majestic.


Pics because it happened.

They have crazy long necks.


They do?



Fierce AF.

I like the way the Macaroni penguins look with their eyebrows.


It's really like frosted tips. Like Guy Fieri but a penguin.


Penguy Fieri!


Boop boop boop boop.

The way they waddle is very cute.


I second the cute waddles!


Why, thanks.


Body sledding! Penguins have fun too.

Tobogganing around! Seems like equal parts laziness, efficiency and just good penguin fun.


I love that they'll queue up and take turns toboggan-sliding down a fun ramp that they found.


I think it's mostly just fun.


So cute.

Their Clumsyness. It's mean but I love watching them bump into things and falling over.


It's kind of adorable.


This is goals right here. Must go to Detriot.

I got to pet a penguin once. I don't know if all the species are like this but they were African penguins. I expected them to feel like a dolphin. Instead, it was one of the softest things I ever touched.


Another commenter said this, and I really want to pet one.


Been my favourite animal my whole life and I'm yet to pet one too but I will be soon. After the next molting season at the Detroit Zoo. Costs $1000 but for 6 people for 2 hours and includes feeding them. Worth every penny if you ask me.
