Home is a sanctuary. It is the place where we are all entitled to enter and all that ails us just fades away because the outside world is a dark place. And it's our haven, our time in our safe space that keeps us sane. However, this is too often not the case. Home can be a place of turmoil and grief. Sometimes what is on the other side of the front door can be daunting and a life changing experience.
Redditor u/Cyan26 wanted to know what unknowns were creeping behind closed doors by asking... What's the worse thing you've come home to?
So Sorry....
Bodies of my husband and son after a murder suicide. I will never forget the silence that shouldn't have been there, and seeing their shoes still by the doorway. OhNoesTehTadpoles
Training Day...
I used to share a room with my sister and she has serious hygiene issues. She would walk around naked during her period and just drip blood freely around the room. She's also too lazy to even walk to the trash can, so she'd throw trash on the floor... including used tampons.
I stepped on one once. It was squishy and it stank. She also had fungus growing in between her folds, but she kept using my towels because she was too lazy to get her own towels & lay naked on my bed when her bed was too full of leftover food. I kept getting all sorts of infections.
My parents are traditional Asian parents so they insisted this was good "training" for marriage. My husband says he's offended they had such a low opinion of him. thrwawaytimee
Home is where the heart is... or where the horror is. Anything to share?