They say actions speak louder, yet some words are hard to forget.
A confidence boost can last a lifetime. Genuine and kind words can feel hard to come by, and so when we do receive a heartfelt compliment, it can really improve our mood.
Redditor u/BiggestFlower asked, "What's the best compliment you ever received?" And people shared heartwarming stories of when others were suprisingly kind to them.
20. Actually charming!
"I have social anxiety, I'm always apologizing for how awkward I am, people always tell me they didn't even notice because I'm really charming.
I disagree, but thank you"
19. When you actually inspire other people
"someone told me that they wish they could be the type of person i was like they aspire to be"
18. Let your laugh loose
"My boyfriend once told me he loves the way I laugh and thats the reason he always tries to be funny around me. My laugh sounds stupid as hell but Ive definitely laughed a lot more ever since"
17. Being the favorite friend is great
"My friend told me her mom (who is extremely picky amongst her friends) said I was her favorite. So that's a bunch of happiness noises from me."
16. Some much needed reassurance
"'Doesn't matter what you do, you'll always be my friend.' I'm very afraid to do or say the wrong thing and lose the few friends i do have. So that was very sweet."
15. Making a difference in someone's day
"I used to work in a call centre and took a call from a woman. She was crying for pretty much the whole call but halfway through she said to me 'Your voice sounds nice, I'm glad you answered the phone. I wouldn't have been able to talk to anyone else'. I left that job over two years ago but that has always stuck with me."
14. I'm kind of jealous...
"Being voted most unique by my high school class. I know those stupid things don't mean anything, but everyone else was asking for votes. I didn't ask for any votes, and I'm just happy to know that I was the weird kid in school completely legitimately. I didnt have to ask for any votes."
13. Cool snap back
"When a girl I crushed on hard told me I looked good wearing my snap back. It just felt very genuine and she is good with body language."
12. And you're no loser!
"Had to leave a P. E lesson in high school to do an exam, one of my classmates said 'good luck' and the P. E teacher said 'luck's for loosers mate he won't need it'. Still think about that when I need a bit of encouragement."
11. Children speak the truth
"Not the best but the funniest. My five year old nephew told me:'You look old but you don't act old'"
10. A false compliment
"Somebody once told me I was the rare person who always tries to do the right thing even when there's nothing to be gained or there are consequences.
I mean, she's wrong, but it was nice."
9. Oof, indeed
"I was the best man at my friend's wedding, and his mother-in-law said that she wished her daughter married me instead. Oof."
8. Great feedback is always welcome
"Philosophy prof told me that my student lecture on Schopenhauer was the best student lecture he heard in his career, and he had assigned a lecture to every student, every semester, for decades."
7. A graduation farewell
"That I could light up a million lives through the warmth of my personality. My teacher wrote this for me on my graduation."
5. A compliment can be life changing
"Someone once completed my biggest insecurity growing up.
He said he liked the shape of my nose."
4. High school compliments are unforgettable
"When I was 16 I got my braces off and was sitting at the lunch table at school afterwards. A hot and popular girl from my grade was walking by and said 'Whoa, you got your braces off. Let me see.' So I smiled and she said 'Wow, you look good... Like REALLY good!' And as a male that's one of the only compliments I've ever directly gotten. I'm 36 now and still remember it."
3. Cargo shorts 1, haters 0
"Right before the coronavirus my wife and I went ziplining. We were on our way to the set up and a daughter (maybe 5 or 6 years old) of one of the guys that was in our group said that she really liked my shorts. Take that cargo-shorts haters, you'll never steal my moment."
2. Untamable hair is beautiful
"I was out with my grandma and her friend and we were finishing lunch. Throwing our trash away when a stranger told me that I had beautiful hair. My hair doesn't want to listen to me and often poofs and frizzes, so this made me smile."
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