Eat carrots!! They keep the eyes strong... so they say! One day we will all, maybe need glasses, it's a hardship but not a shame. Just life.
Redditor u/araarq wanted to know who was willing to admit who needed some vision help, by asking.... People with glasses, when did you realize you needed them?
The Board.
I couldn't read clearly what's written on the board during my grade school lectures. swordarcher
No Touching!
I jokingly took off my friends glasses in gym after they had fallen off and I could see the clock at the end of the room and was very confused as to why people looked at me like I was crazy when I pointed that out because I though that no one else could see the clock but nope. mutepaladin
Out of Focus...
It was actually really hard for me to tell. I was 13 when I first got them. When I was 11, my eye doctor told me I could've gotten them then or wait another year. I opted to wait, but then we moved and we didn't go to the eye doctor until I was 13. Because of that I always knew in the back of my mind that I'd need glasses, but I never noticed anything too blurry or out of focus.
Or so I thought. I just assumed everyone saw like me or just a little better than me. Then the day I first got my glasses, I realized I was supposed to see things further away and that trees weren't just lumps of green on top of lumps of brown. I could perfectly see the writing on the board at school. It was an awakening for sure. agd504
The Pub.
I was in a pub at 18, me and a bunch of my friends saw a group of guys enthusiastically playing Magic the Gathering in the corner. Cheering when someone won and swapping over to the next match.
We decided as we would be there a while to put a bet on. I said 50p on the Harry Potter lookalike. Everyone was confused. I repeated the boy that looks exactly like Daniel Radcliffe. One of my friends jokingly said. Here try my glasses. I put them on and was like HD. He looked nothing like Harry Potter. I was instantly aware I needed to get glasses and a week later o was a speccy fool. eskimolee
The Trees....
Not me but my brother said he found out he needed them when he learned trees had individual leaves and it wasn't just one green mass (he's near sighted). oxy-rambles
In my Eyes...
When I was little I kept standing up from the couch and walk up to the television to stand just before it. My mom realized this had to do something with my eyes. Jimmyfloydd
Off to Class....
When my geography teacher called home saying that I'm walking out of my seat every minute to copy off the black board. lmaokei
Haha, I had to do this too. After class ended in high school, I would hurriedly rush up to the board and try to copy everything before rushing off to my next class. I couldn't figure out why nobody else was doing that. I figured they just didn't care about school as much as I did. Sophomore year finally realized I needed glasses. natedern
I had one eye get much worse than the other one. In sixth grade I was winking at a girl and suddenly noticed that the room was blurry. I rapidly alternated between eyes to test my vision and I think the girl assumed I was having a seizure. shortymike
Don't Hang Up!
In 5th grade I told my mom I couldn't see the board in class. She didn't believe me and thought I just wanted to have glasses (for no reason). My teacher finally had to call her herself. meganlloyd24
So close... yet so far....
When my mother confirmed that it is in fact not normal to not be able to read a sign that's across the street. ArthurOfVandelay