Oh the things we learn with age. Realization and wisdom are gifts of each decade. One of the first things you realize is that when we're young... we're pretty gullible. We will believe anything and our minds and imaginations run on sugar into perpetual overdrive. Kids are funny.
Redditor u/_definitelynotgod wanted to discuss all the things we were way off about when we were too young to know better by asking..... What was the biggest misconception that you had as a child?The Void....
GiphyUnderneath the floor of a building was just an endless void. I thought people who replaced floors were incredibly brave so I always told my parents I wanted to replace floors. Yeet_machine27
For a year or so I wanted to be a tax collector. I saw one in a Pink Panther cartoon and thought they were just people who knocked on your door and kept all the money you paid them. whatisyourobsession
This is adorable. Lilredh4iredgrl
That people of other races just had different levels of being tanned.... found out in the mall that I was wrong. thenewfrontiersman882
I lived in such a white area that I thought my mum, who is totally white British ethnically but has much darker features than my other mega pale family, was black. mankytoes
Just Waltz In....
I thought having a job was just you picking a company you like, waltz in, find an empty spot and start doing something. I had no concept of interviews, tests, and all the paperwork involved. MMMLG
My grandfather told us stories that it used to be like that. There was a severe labour shortage, so you'd walk in to a factory in the morning and get hired on the spot. If you didn't like the work you'd quit after a short period and just go to the factory next door. Repeat.
He said he had about 16 jobs in one week at one time. goatwomble
The New Fam....
GiphyMy Mom always told me that if I got lost or separated from her while out in public and couldn't find a police officer, I should seek out the nearest woman with children. Her reasoning was obviously that another mother would be a good kind of stranger to talk to, much more likely to help and less likely to harm a lost child.
My reasoning, however, was that if I somehow never found my own Mm again, I could and would just go home with the woman and have new siblings to play with so I wouldn't get lonely. TheBlackWomb
Then pregnancy just couldn't happen.
All that you needed to do to get pregnant was get married. tengolacamisanegra
I thought you had to be married and sleep in the same bed. Then if you both wanted a kid then pregnancy would randomly happen at a later time, unless you were infertile. Then pregnancy just couldn't happen.
Edit: Been getting a lot of questions about how I could know about infertility without knowing how sex works.
Quick answer is my mom was infertile and that knowledge was passed down to me early as it's the reason my parents adopted me. My adoption story was sort of a bedtime story for me when I was little. Child me just never thought to question how pregnancies happened. Drakmanka
Pots & Lock...
GiphyI thought a potluck was where everyone brought food to a party and put it all in one giant pot. Then you would scoop out a plateful and whatever you got was your luck. rogerriddle
Off the Rails....
If you missed an exit on the highway you would basically end up in a different state. BrilliantPassion1
Judging by the way people cut across 4 lanes of traffic rather than spend a few extra minutes turning around at the next exit, I feel like there are some adults that still think this is true. BChap10
Shoot First...
I thought being fired from work meant that the fired person gets killed. Every time my mom would tell me and my sisters not to bother her or she could get fired from work (she partially worked from home), I assumed that her boss would come into her office and literally shoot her. I was so terrified that my mom would get in any trouble at work. beautyinburningstars
Naughty. Naughty.
GiphyI thought that if I tilted my head to one side for a picture, it made me look "sexy" (god knows what I thought sexy meant back then) but it was only something naughty girls did. So I would wait until right before the pic was taken, and then quickly tilt my head right as the shutter went off. jennybelly
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