Being a teacher doesn't mean you're a genius or a magician. Teachers are human beings and make errors in judgement all of the time, just like the rest of us. However some teachers just shouldn't be teachers. And need to watch what falls out of their mouths without thought. It is a job meant to be heavy in facts and lighter in opinion.
Redditor u/doitypemyname wanted to hear what some educators thought was a good idea to say to a student.... What's the worst advice a teacher has given you?
Read between the lines Butthead!
I'll never forget the day that my teacher told me, to quit writing and trying to make my stories more believable. I remember in high school I once wrote a paper and I was super proud of this paper. I couldn't wait to turn it in and I felt like I did a great job but when it was time to get our papers back I didn't get mine. I asked my teacher about it and I'll never forget this. He called me to his desk and told me you obviously stole this paper because there's no way you could have written this. I suggest you work on your editing skills and from that day on every time I wrote I thought about that teacher and how big of butt head he was. TannenBoom
Mom for the Win!
My aunt died and i was off for a week to attend her funeral. I came back and tells me I missed a really important test. I tell her my Aunt died and she said, "What's more important to you? You're future or a funeral?" I was very shy at the time and i just shrugged. I went home and told my Mother. Woooooooooooooo did that teacher get a verbal smackdown. Wackydetective
Be a man then get cancer....
When asked if he smoked cigarettes (he always stunk of smoke), my 8th grade history teacher literally said. "Yep, two packs of camels a day. Makes a man out of you. Puts hair on your chest." elleyesee
I need a challenge....
My high school counselor told me i didn't need to take honors classes, but they're the only ones that challenged me and also they got me college credit. racheltheharvey
You're History Buddy!
My high school history teacher once said "If someone asks a question, and you don't know the answer, just make it up. It's better to tell someone something now, and correct yourself later." I transferred out of his class ASAP. petey_b_311
Strike 1.... You're Out!
She told me I should just come out to my parents already because she was "sure they would understand," never mind the fact that they're mormon and have straight up told me that they would never accept me if I ever came out. And she knew this too. If I had followed her advice my whole life would have been so screwed. I almost got outed by her too. YallNeedJesus420
Now they tell me....
Today my maths teacher said, and I quote, "don't bother reading the question just do some work and hope it's the right stuff."WaLrUsClAn
Stay outside the lines....
My kindergarten teacher had a conference with my mother about how my coloring was so bad I would have big problems in my academic career. Not only did I get a doctorate, but I also have an art degree. It turns out coloring is not such an important skill. I still suck at it. I am a sculptor. I don't have great fine motor coordination, but I've got more than enough tenacity to make up for it. No one tells me what I can or cannot do. My gift in life is the drive to practice the hell out of things, until I master it. Sultanaspoon
Try Again Dear....
My 8th grade teacher told us that our grades would ABSOLUTELY fall one full letter grade in 9th grade. It made many of the people in our class slack because "it was bound to happen anyways." I'm sure his intent was to motivate us but it failed miserably. tsnow914
Some people shouldn't teach.... Ugh!
Not given to me, but at an IEP meeting for a kid with some behavioral challenges, the parent expressed concern that maybe the kid was acting up because he was placed (in my mind, incorrectly) in remedial classes and he was bored.
Another teacher replied the kid wasn't bored and the world will always needs janitors. arlingtonheightsMA
Blu Collar Success....
'If you go to trade school, you'll be living hand-to-mouth your whole life.' Not even close to accurate. trocar88
Ha, my electrician dad, had his house paid off in his forties, has all kinds of toys, including two Harley's and a motorized boat you drive with your feet, remodeled the house, built a large garage detached from the house with plumbing and electrical, plus other stuff. He's retiring early to do more fun things. Yeah, I'm in trade school right now. GraytScott
That my ADD was all in my head and that I need to just get over it. WillFlash4DoggoPics
A Group Effort....
My english teacher (optative in an non speaking english country) punished the whole class to stay after school hours, just because some people were talking and not paying attention.
I went really mad because i was working hard trying to learn something and i never gave any problem, like most people in the subject, so I left the class after confronting my teacher about the matter, and her refusing to acknowledge that it was unfair for almost everyone.
Later I was called into the principal office, were the teacher told me that "I never should undermine my teacher or superior power even if they were wrong."
In the end more people complained about the group punishment (and more problems within the class) so I didn't get in any trouble about the issue. Oinotna9
Blame it on Mom...
Not advice just a shitty thing said by a teacher... she told my mom that my brothers may have gotten through her class but I wouldn't be as lucky.
I failed the class three times with her until they let me take it with another teacher and I passed first try. All of that stress because this teacher didn't like my mom. squishjackson
You First....
Try to change yourself a bit so you fit with these people even if you don't like them. VentusLeonidas
Stop Listening....
Think it was 1990-ish, told my teacher i want to work with computers/programing. Got the answer : there is no money when working with those, you need a real job. Like builder or something... Worst part is, i followed the advice... Fml shuur
Maybe I should teach?
My high school math teacher told my mum to un-enroll me from maths and physics, and to give up on me ever getting into any scientific field at Uni because I was too stupid. Jokes on him, just got my BBsc with a distinction and am currently enrolled with in my second degree. feelinwhitney98
More to Life than MLA....
You are going to use MLA citations in every paper you ever do in every class from now until ever. (My librarian in middle school.) This was true until I got out of high school. As soon as I got out of high school all I ever used in college was APA and it was like learning an entire new language for the longest time and it may be petty, but I'm still mad at them for being so sure that MLA was all there was in the world. OfficerMAGA
Don't Lose the Dream...
"You will never get a job in programming or game development as it's so competitive, it's not a sensible career choice." 14 year old me was impressionable enough to believe him and so when it came to picking my A Levels I went for humanity based subjects and subsequently did a degree at University along the same lines. 30 year old me will never quite forget that piece of 'advice' and how it pushed a little kid away from his dream down an entirely different path. Akkyoy
Mr. Bechtel needs an assist....
Oh boy, I love this story. In 8th grade science we were taking about the properties of matter and one of the discussions was about how the volume of matter shrinks when it transitions from liquid to solid. I immediately put up my hand and said "But [Teacher], whenever I make ice at home the cubes seem to be bigger than the water that I put in the tray."
His response, which I'll never forget: "Well I guess the laws of physics don't apply inside your freezer." and he left it at that. No further discussion or explanation.
Well guess what, Mr. Bechtel, according to Wikipedia "When water freezes, it increases in volume (about 9% for fresh water)" so I guess the laws of Physics just don't apply to your STEM degree you ass hat.
Teachers of Reddit: please encourage your curious students. homemadestoner