We can't all be so lucky. There are instances where our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents were just more fortunate than us. Sometimes our DNA fails us, which sucks. But what can you do, right?
leclair63 asked: In what ways did you lose the genetic lottery?
At least they have other things going for them.
"I have Ahler's Danlos syndrome but not the fun stretchy skin way. My tendons are longer than normal so my joints can overextend and dislocate easily leaving me with shitty joints at 25.
I also have a problem with boils and acne in general. I get pimples everywhere from my eyebrows to my chest and back to the inside of my groin muscle.
Brittle teeth from my mother's side has guaranteed that no matter how well I take care of my teeth something can always go wrong.
Dad also gave me his terrible sex drive so that's fun.
Got short stumpy legs from my mom's side of the family. I look like a vending machine on stumps.
But hey at least I have perfect eyesight, thick hair and natural strength."
Weird genetics.
"I have the most paper thin nails on the face of the planet.
I've never been able to grow them out on my own and I've tried everything from vitamin supplements to growth polishes."
That's unlucky.
"I get to have the balding gene on top of all the crap cancer has brought on me.
Of all the things I thought I'd be, bald was not one of them."
Not the worst thing in the world.
"I can't really grow facial hair so the option's never really there if I ever wanted to try it out. It always grows in patchy and just makes me look unkept.
Other than that, I actually hit a real genetic lottery. I'm not gorgeous but I'm at least above average, phenomenal metabolism runs in my family, balding doesn't, and overall, I'm pretty lucky."
Math checks out.
"My mother is bottom heavy. My father is top heavy. My sister is neither.
I'll let you deduce this one."
Must be tough.
"My father has lots of allergies to things outdoors, my mom has multiple food allergies.
I inherited both. My brother inherited neither."
Bad eyes.
"Left eye is permanently looking towards nose. Needs glasses and my right eye has bad vision."
That's a lot.
"My family has a history of depression. Both my kneecaps are/were loose before surgery. I will either go bald or grey by the age of 40. I didn't even inherit the ability to grow a proper beard. I have a mismatched bulky body and skinny limbs.
Life is good."
Pick your poison.
"My mum and grandad both died from cancer in their 50's but my grandma is still going strong in her 90's and her side of the family tends to live pretty long.
Dad's side of the family have heart issues but that probably stems from the fact they were working class in the mid 20th century and eating tinned food every meal.
No idea how I'll turn out though."