Not all of our strengths and weaknesses can be acquired through life experience.
Many of them are inherited and we have no say in the matter of which ones to keep or lose.
And while we can blame our quirky, idiosyncratic behaviors on distant relatives, we can be very grateful for our many talents and unique capabilities.
In an attempt to celebrate the good qualities we're born with, Redditor No_Tailor1207 asked:
"What is your random genetic win?"
These are the luckiest of the bunch.
Bloodsuckers Preference
"Mosquitos go for me only if other people are not around. I'm like last resort."
– DCFud
"Bro I’ll literally be the only one wearing bug spray and still be the one with the most bites."
– DJ404E
"My partner thinks I am freaking out if I spot one mosquito in our bedroom and really want to get rid of it. If I don’t, there is a high chance I wake up with 20+ bites while he will have none."
– Bimpnottin
Aging To The Max
"All my grandparents made it to at least 100."
– handsthefram
"Damn you need to have a baby with that lady who said her fertility screening came back perfect with 0 genetic defect risks or whatever."
– IcySettin2024
Mental Storage
"If I see it, it sticks. Made college really easy, but it’s why my biggest fear in life is getting dementia / Alzheimer’s."
– CountOff
"Ditto. People, contents of things I’ve read, details of discussions, reference/ID numbers."
"My current boss loves it."
"A previous boss hated it because it interfered with his ability to gaslight/blame other people for his f'kups. 😂"
– Midnight__Specialist
Easy Cycle
"As a female, my period is 2.5-3 days every time and is regular AF and I've never had extreme pain that accompanied it. Discomfort, sure, but nothing that has kept me from life."
– techno–ho
"How does it feel to be one of God's favorites?"
– DoveApples
"Seriously. I had appendicitis and thought it was just a rough day of cramps. That’s how bad the norm is 💀"
– ganymedestyx
No Itch To Scratch
"I'm immune to poison ivy. I don't get a rash."
– ca77ywumpus
"Ok this actually is something I can contribute to."
"Allergies to things like poison ivy can actually manifest upon repeat exposure or a significant exposure. The plant releases an oil called urushiol which forms these little haptens, which are kinda like angry little hats on your proteins. Over time, and often with repeat exposure, the defense cells of your body, called T-cells, will finally recognize those and you’ll have these delayed hypersensitivity reaction."
"I also thought I was immune. Then I developed it all over my body after doing some cliff diving in Texas, and I was miserable for quite some time."
"Stay cautious haha. Nature is nothing to mess with."
– TheGreatGildedDildo
Pearly Whites
"Good teeth! Didn't have dental insurance for 7 years, went to dentist, she complimented me on having good strong teeth! Its good genes because I only started flossing at age 40."
– Material_Draft5926
No Oral Extractions Ever
"No wisdom teeth! Like, never ever."
– iamtayareyoutaytoo
"Im the opposite - I had four wisdom teeth come in but luckily they all came in perfectly straight with plenty of room so I got to keep them! Extra teeth for the win!"
– Kazuit
Hairy Situation
"Still have all my hair at 52."
– Onlyonecantherebe
"Oh, I still have all mine too. It just moved from my head to my a**!"
– mr_lab_rat
"Thick hair."
"Aside from the downside of millions of falling hair everyday, my hair stays hella thick."
– _functionalanxiety
"Eyelashes. I don't use Mascara because they are so long."
– pookie74
"Not a single gene of male-pattern baldness runs in either of my families."
– DRamos11
Model Donor
"Not so much a win for me, but a win for others. I have 0- blood and no diseases, so I can donate to others a lot."
– that_gay_with_chains
"Same for me! We are in the 'International donor club'. I’ve donated blood 96 times so far."
– StartTalkingSense
Favorable Bulkiness
"Calves. I have naturally muscular and shapely calves and I don’t even work them."
– Decent-Temperature31
Nature Got Them Covered
"My genetic flex is great skin. I appreciate it all the time and wish I could brag, lol."
– CherryBombO_O
"My wife has amazing skin. It's always so soft and she just glows all the time. She sits in the sun, starts getting red, and an hour later she just looks nice and tan."
"I sit in the sun for 30 minutes and turn into an angry lobster who can't move for 3 days."
– Inigomntoya
No Bloody Noses
"I’ve never had a nosebleed in my life! (Not sure how common or uncommon that is tbh)"
– Beautiful-Flower-79
I'm fortunate to have strong teeth.
Knock on wood but I've managed to avoid getting cavities.
I was cocky about it for a while but eventually made myself take extra good care of my gnashers, which would hopefully keep me away from going to the dental office for anything urgent.