Who named Earth? It may be something we've all learned in school but for most of us, it's likely information we all have filed away as... not vital information. Information that of course becomes fascinating late in life. Who got to have that honor and why? And could they have some up with something far more interesting? Like Thomas.
Redditor u/ObserverOfReddit wanted to hear about some possible options besides "Earth" by asking.... If you had to rename Earth, what would you name it?
Sphere. just to screw with every flat Earther there is. NitroTheManiac
I'd go with Cosmic Disc, that would f**k with a flat Earther much, much more. New Year's Eve could be called the Cosmic Disco. thesmutorcs
Erf. Kennymo95
When the aliens come, and they will, we just say "Welcome to Erf." CrackerJackBunny
And Goofy?
Pluto, so it can be a planet again. That'll show 'em.
That'll show all of 'em... Elevenst
You heard about Pluto? That's messed up, right? inspectorseantime
All Hail.
Terra. M-For-Mini
Solaris III, just to add a little flair. nuloxen
A Swap.
I'd probably want to switch names with Uranus. ohuhmok
There are many species located on Uranus, and most are undiscovered! follower-of-memes
Land of Dirt and Water. LODAW for short. blindedbytheblight
I Like John.
Bob. NymFaren25
You can't name a planet Bob. hatsnatcher23
Yes! The sun will shine on Planet Bob once more! NymFaren25
Sponsored by Colgate. Because when we colonize the solar system and people from Venus go on a space tour, the tourist can say "That is Sponsored By Colgate, our origin planet" and people will remember to brush their teeth before they go to bed. YusTeez