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People Imagine Which Jobs Robots Will Never Be Able To Usurp From Humans

People Imagine Which Jobs Robots Will Never Be Able To Usurp From Humans

Automation is inevitable, but are there any human jobs robots could never be programmed to do? It's genuinely tough to think of anything a human does that couldn't be done faster, cheaper, and more efficiently with a machine. One thing missing from this list is inginuity. Is instinct programmable?

lberry9919 asked, What job could future robots NOT take from human workers?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.


Sperm donor.


It could be invevitable that AI will learn to create better AI.

Robotics engineers — if they do their jobs right.


Uhh BattleBots is awesome, excuse me.

Athletes, I don't think I'd want to watch the NBA if it were robots running around shooting and dunking.


Back in my day something something.

Speaking sh*t about younger generations.


Kids need real human interaction - we all do.

Elementary school teacher. Kids need to be socialized by humans. It's not enough to teach them schoolwork, they also have to learn social skills and bond with adults. Also they don't behave predictably; talk about a chaotic system.


Perhaps - nothing?

I feel like this question is unanswerable. I mean theoretically, anything can be automated if you engineer it. If we're talking about a hypothetical future of the imagination, what type of thing could honestly not be done by a robot. If we're counting AI, then even the robots that invent robots would take the jobs of humans.

Also, what if we are all just robots and we don't know it!


Good one, and interesting to consider.

Being a mental health worker.


Could a computer believe in God?

Bishops and Archbishops that bestow Holy Orders, ordaining clergy to the priesthood.


Amen to this.

There will always be a market for human singers. It may be a niche market, the rest of the bands may be robots, but there will always be people who want to hear someone sing from the heart.


You either have the magic or you don't.

Sales. High level sales is ALL about the personal relationship you have with your advisor/seller, and a robot simply can't do that.
