People can state that their significant other's eyes are the best physical attributes or that their sense of style is on point and very sexy.
While those are easily identifiable, the most attractive qualities in a partner can be the ones that take the least amount of effort or something less tangible like a vibe they give off.
Curious to hear of the things that send pulses racing in a partner who isn't aware of the effects they give off, Redditor Most_Envious_Enby asked:
"What's the hottest thing your partner does unconsciously?"
Most times, partners have no idea their person gets hot and bothered over the littlest thing.
That Look
"Sometimes he just looks at me and smiles and I ask what and he doesn't even realize he was doing it."
– Ok-Poet84
"100% this, I absolutely love my partners smile."
– OP
"I catch my husband doing that all the time. He will just be gawking at me and says, 'I just love you. You’re so amazing. I just wanted to remind you..' I still swoon every time. 🥰"
– cherrycoke260
"Sometimes when she looks at me her whole face just goes soft and tender and it makes me feel like the most loved person in the world."
– rannapup
Body Reset
"I loved when she would stretch and yawn."
– Otherwise_Anybody873
"This goes for men too. I love when my boyfriend stretches and his shirt rides up. Makes me weak!"
– ruledwritingpaper
"Stretching, his shirt lifts up… 😚🤌🏽"
– Altruistic_Income256
Musings Of A Geek
"When he starts nerding about something he's passionate about."
"yes please keep talking babe."
– Yuzare
Being Mindful And Attentive
"That he notices everything about ME!"
"He knows nothing about female hygiene routines or products, but, if I try a new shampoo, he asks if I did something new to my hair. I try brown mascara instead of black, he asks if I changed something? Any new item of clothes that I wear, no matter how mundane- from new socks, comfy panties and a replacement rain jacket to a new shirt or pair of shoes, he’ll notice and tell me they look good on me."
"He never notices the new item itself. he notices how it’s made subtle changes in me."
"It makes me feel beautiful."
– JaguarStriking7766
He's Got A Way
"He has this was of trying to be cool. The way he moves or takes his glasses off, it was all practiced and part of a show. Now he just does it cause he did it so long. But when he turns around like that and looks into my eyes with some kind of cheesy line I just melt."
– Zetta216
Witnessing innocent moments can really make hearts flutter.
Pet Whisperer
"He talks to the dog and cat and tells them he loves them."
– antartisa
"YES. See also: listening to my boyfriend being absolutely whipped by our 15-year-old cat in the next room. 'Cassiopeia, you’ve received milk twice today. This is just untenable.' '…. Mrrow?' '… Yeah, you’re going to win this argument baby, I know. Let’s go get you some milk.' ”
– victorianfollies
"I love that joke/post that cycles around from time to time that's 'My partner just walked into the living room, took the dog's head in his hands and said he loves her and she's the most special thing in the world. I'm sitting next to the dog.' "
– NinjaBreadManOO
Night Walker
"She sleepwalks and turns up the thermostat to 90 - which is pretty hot."
– Affectionate-File639
Night Chat
"He talks in his sleep and will cuddle up against me and tell me how much he loves me. Even his subconscious likes me."
"Then he’ll sleep talk about his plans for our dnd campaign so I get some foreshadowing about what to expect."
– othybear
Quiet Admirer
"Sometimes when I’m talking, eating, doing whatever and she thinks I cannot see her, I see in my peripheral vision that she is intently looking at me. She is studying my facial expressions and such. If I turn and look at her she looks away very sheepishly and cute like she’s a little embarrassed to be caught staring."
– xeryon3772
Unadulterated love makes one appreciate every quality their partner possesses.
All The Idiosyncrasies
"Walk around in her plush comfy robe in the evenings after her shower without a single thing on underneath."
"Sitting at the edge of the couch plucking her eyebrows using one of those little portable circular vanity mirrors opening her mouth slightly every time she goes in."
"Asking where her bifocals are at, placing them on, then putting her hair up in 'business mode' like fashion, then sitting cross-legged before she starts paying bills and updating her finances/browsing online or when reading."
"Walks up smiling whenever she sees me grazing/snacking, then makes this ‘mmph’ type noise saying watching me eat gives her the 'ancias', before biting my shoulder and walking off."
"Starts bopping around and shoulder shimming whenever music is playing."
"Tells me not to waste money unnecessarily whenever I get excited about ordering out to try some new place saying 'you don’t have to try to impress me anymore, you already got me' before kissing me and frolicking off to make some simple ass dinner."
"Sleeps in the nude and rolls over up close pressing herself up against me for warmth when she gets chilly."
"Snores like a friggin wildebeest, which idk why, but I find it sexy knowing she’s resting well."
"Idk how many of those are done completely unconsciously but damn, the woman turns me the fuck on at every turn."
– VintageBaguette
"OP was asking for the one hottest thing and you wrote a damn novel. Sorry to to tell you, but you might be in love, good sir. So happy for you."
– Juniper_Owl
Physical Interaction
"When he comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me and kisses me. Or when he randomly kisses me."
"Oh, oh oh, when he is laying in bed.. he puts one arm behind his head and looks so comfy.. then if you add in his smile, he sometimes does with it.."
"I melt with all three, hard-core."
– anon
Kindness Is Hot
"He's thoughtlessly kind to the people around him. Cooks extra food to offer to a sick neighbor, notices something broken in someone's home and offers to fix it, sees someone drop something and immediately moves to help pick it up, and so many other examples."
"It extends to me as well, but seeing him give that same care and consideration to the people around him who offer him no benefit or reiteration is unbelievably attractive."
– witchunavailable
Morning State
"It's not really something she does. When we wake up on weekends and she gets up to use the bathroom wearing nothing but her sweatpants and a tank top and her hair looks like a supernova."
"I don't know why but she's never looked sexier than that. She doesn't do sexy. She just is."
– BleedingRaindrops
My husband is a composer, and when he gets behind the piano and just improvises by playing whatever musical inspiration is exuding from him at a moment in time, I have to stop what I'm doing and watch.
I admit I have selective hearing at times, which drives him crazy, but he will most certainly have my undivided attention during these magical moments when he gives the keyboard a go.