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People Debate The Best Human Creations Of The Last Decade

People Debate The Best Human Creations Of The Last Decade
Image by Angelo Esslinger from Pixabay

Technology has come so far, just in the last decade alone. Where we are now is so far ahead than where we were before the 2010s and, thankfully, it's easy to look up the fantastic advancements we've made as a species and debate which one was the most helpful, most useful, or the most innovative.

Reddit user, u/[deleted], wanted to know what you thought:

What is the best human creation in the last 10 years?

Oh Yeah, Worldwide Pandemic...

bart simpson episode 21 GIFGiphy

Covid vaccine


Its amazing what our species can do when you give a bottomless budget to a bunch of experts that are competing to solve a problem.


In reality, it is pretty impressive over the span it was made. Most vaccines take approx. 10 years to develop. We fast tracked that to 1 year


For Those Of Us With Kids This Has Been A Big Help

Contactless food delivery


They seriously better keep this option after Covid


Same with shopping on your phone, driving to the store, and them loading it in your car. Especially nice when you have kids, and i can walk to my kitchen to see what i have!


Something So Small

Robot lawnmower. It saved my marriage and he's so cool to watch bumping around the garden.


'It saved my marriage ' Ya'll freaky


Too many arguments over who's going to cut the grass. We have a large garden on a slope. Trying to push a big a-- cabled lawnmower around every week was a killer. Neither of us wanted to do it. We bought it as a wedding gift to ourselves.


The Good Stuff Didn't Come Until Less Than 10 Years Ago

Netflix streaming.

Ain't nothing better than Netflix and chill.


You could actually stream Netflix more than ten years ago. However its catalog was filled with b list movies and sh-t you'd not really want to see. I remember I gave up on it until a girl I dated was like you want to watch Netflix? I was thinking nah there's nothing good on it. Then she loaded it up and I was floored by the content, it had almost everything you could want back then.


Keeping The World Connected And Clean

Discord, it's actually insane how useful and [reliant] it is. Other chat and voice servers like skype and teamspeak really dropped the ball. And discord is doing all of it perfectly tbh.


All The Space, None Of The Waste

homer simpson running GIFGiphy

Reusable rockets that land themselves.


In Just Under An Hour? Magic!

Insta Pot.


No. The fast pressure cooker that makes 8-10 hour cooks under an hour. Gourmet homecooked food in an hour or less.


Advances For The Betterment Of People's Health

mRNA research for diseases has to be up there.

Also, graphene is pretty incredible.

Edit: Also, I saw a research paper the other day about a radiation type of battery that could power small devices like pacemakers for tens of thousands of years. I think it was diamond or something and it was just a proof of concept.


We Could Have Had 3D Printed Lamps Earlier??

3d printers they can be programed to make clothes, weapons, plates, cups, instruments and more.


Actually, 3D printing has been around for a few decades. It got popular recently because an essential patent regarding it, expired.

3D printing could have started being a thing in the mid 80s.


Synthetic. Skin. WHAT?

Synthetic skin in my opinion was very revolutionizing. It may not be the best but in my opinion, it was amazing how so many scientists told the inventor that it was impossible, but he did it anyways and now people can survive excessive skin grafting without the body rejecting the new skin. Allows survival from intense burns


Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals is the Aussie company that is leading the charge on this. Ticker is CUV on the ASX if anyone is interested.
