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People Break Down The Final Straw That Led To Their Divorce

Reddit user darkchocolattemocha asked: 'You figured out you married crazy, but what was the last straw that made you say "F**k it"?'

Couple holding hands
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Nobody's perfect, but some people are a little more... intense than others.

While we might accept this about the person that we love most, there has to be limits to their behavior, just like anything else.

Redditor darkchocolattemocha asked:

"You figured out you married crazy, but what was the last straw that made you say, 'F**k it'?"

Her Picture Would Appear Next To 'Gold Digger' In The Dictionary

"This thankfully happened six weeks before we were supposed to get married, but the following happened:"

"First, we spent a year both agreeing to a prenup, only for her to decide to not want to do it after finding out I was going to inherit some money from a recently deceased relative."

"Then she gave me a three-page list of demands including things such as her mom and brother living with us while seeing any of my family members more than once a month was spending too much time with them."

- gorshade

Scapegoating A Child

"He didn’t believe he had broken his favorite glass during a tirade the night before, and when our eight-year-old said, 'Dad, you did. You even said the F-word,' he pointed at the child and began screaming, 'That’s who needs to be on medication! Not me!'"

"No, motherf**ker, your years of bulls**t treatment end the moment you invoke our children in it."

- Shark_bait5

"I know a family who uses their oldest son as a scapegoat for the dad's behavior. The kid has been on about 15 different meds by age 10. It's sick. Thank you for protecting your child."

- HatpinFeminist

An Ominous Message

"Money would disappear from time to time, like as soon as I had saved enough for something important. I was very young and couldn’t really connect that he would do this to me, to us, when it seemed we were both working so hard toward big goals."

"The last straw was when another 2,000 dollar stash disappeared and I wouldn’t let it go. I demanded he tell me where it went."

"He said, 'If I don’t want you to know something, you will never know.'"

- scrapsoup

That Would Do It

"I was putting our kids to bed, and she came home and told me that she was pregnant, and I was not the father."

- surfdad67

"I mean, at least she didn't keep that information from you. It's s**tty, but she didn't lie."

- Anthokne

"She couldn't lie. I had gotten a vasectomy a year earlier."

- surfdad67

In Another Life

"Ooh, this is the question for me! My ex-husband was a bad man and definitely crazy, I could say so much here, but the final straw is the question asked."

"So, from shortly after we met, he told me he had a deceased son, and that not many people knew as he didn't like to share it. He said the child passed away at age four, and that he had had him on holidays as he wasn't really with the mother anymore, but they'd had many memories."

"He told me everything about this kid, including his favorite toys, his hobbies, his birthday and death day, and his full name including two middle names. He had a tattoo for his son. Pictures. Everything you'd expect really, without demanding someone to show you cold hard proof."

"We even drove nine hours to visit his grave, but never actually went to the grave, as my ex broke down crying."

"In fact, when our biological child together was born, we attempted to list him as her sibling on the birth certificate, but we weren't allowed as I wasn't his mother, and there were no 'half' siblings allowed to be listed."

"But, there were loose threads. Things that didn't make sense. It was hard to demand proof, and people don't tend to lie about deceased children, and it's a h**l of an accusation, but eventually, I did."

"There's too much to explain, but this 'son' never existed."

"I even spoke to the supposed mother, and she said, 'Why does he keep doing this! We don't have a son, dead or alive!'"

"He did eventually admit it, after trying to make a fake profile for his ex who he claimed was the mother and tried to message me on there as her to convince me (that didn't work)."

"That was the last straw, and I made my escape with my daughter a week later (needed some planning). Never seen him again thank God. Thankfully, I got full custody."

- Tattsand

Wow, So Sorry For Your Loss

"After hiding in the karaoke bar bathroom for 30 minutes, she came to me in tears because the guy she had been trying to cheat on me with turned her down. She was expecting sympathy."

- awtcurtis

"My cheating ex did something similar. He went to a work conference and said he got along with another woman there, bonding over golf. He was attracted to her and felt so annoyed that he couldn’t get her that he had to come home and tell me."

"My bad, bro?"

- A_Glass_DarklyXX

Way Over Planned

"My aunt married crazy. The dude turned into a conspiracy theorist and prepper, but the final straw was him getting arsenic tablets to give the kids 'in case society falls and we're surrounded.'"

- HeroToTheSquatch

All Hail Space Jesus

"She joined a cult that said Mary Magdelaine and Jesus were on their way back to earth in a spaceship."

"Upon my divorce, I commemorated it by taking an artistic rendering from the cult's webpage of Jesus in a spaceship above the earth and captioned it, 'Space Jesus saves all.'"

"Thank you, Space Jesus, for helping me see the light! And that light is, how crazy that marriage was."

- Red_Stripe1229

Projection Projection Projection

"I left her after being followed around the house being screamed at, because she thought I was cheating on her with one of my employees... who I hadn't yet met in person and who lived and worked six hours away."

"Then when I left the house to get some work done, she called my phone over and over, around 100x, filling my voicemail with barely intelligible, extremely loud rants."

- lcmedia

The Opposite Of Love Is Indifference

"The last straw was when I asked him to let me clean our hoarded bedroom because we had a bedbug infestation and they were eating me alive, and his response was a shrug and, 'Well, they're not biting me, so what's the problem?'"

"25 years. Two kids. Boom."

"He still blames everyone and everything but himself for that."

- LadyAlexTheDeviant

What A Terrible Thing To Say

"I forget what prompted it, but we were having some playful back-and-forth and the topic of cheating came up."

"She looked at me, suddenly dead serious, and said, 'If I cheated on you, you would never know.'"

"Despite the fact that we lived together and our daily routine involved my dropping her off and picking her up from work, she was convinced I was somehow cheating on her. Like...when? On my lunch break?"

"After we split, I looked back and figured there was a lot of projection going on. But that comment she made never sat right with me."

- Im15AndThisIsDeep

...We Have Questions

"She contacted an ex-girlfriend who we found out had breast cancer. They met for lunch and started hanging out without me knowing it."

"Then she told me that she and the ex-girlfriend had worked something out where I would get back with the ex so she could be happy while she was still here, and then after she passed away, we would get back together again."

"There was a bunch of weird stuff before that, but this one took the cake."

- seyheystretch

"Yeah, you win. She basically tried to pimp you out to your ex-girlfriend."

- NeolithicSmartphone

"I don't know if she is incredibly unselfish, insane, or both."

- SassiesSoiledPants

"Or insecure, wondering how I would react to that plan."

- seyheystretch

It made total sense to us that these relationships did not work out, and in some cases, we were surprised that the relationships lasted as long as they did.

For some of these, though, we were glad to see that the relationships ended before they were officially married, which would have only served to complicate the situation even more.

If they were already this "crazy," just imagine how they'd be during divorce proceedings.