Whether it's because of morbid curiosity or looking up epic ways to beat the serial killer while writing a suspense novel, some of us have had some interesting internet search histories that we'd rather other people not see.
But kids who have access to the internet for the first time might have the weirdest interest search histories of all.
Bracing for the worst, Redditor RodotC asked:
" Parents of Reddit, what's the worst thing you've found while checking your kid's search history?"
Science Experiments Gone Wrong
"When I was around 11, I emailed a friend that I was 'making a bomb' (literally vinegar and baking soda in a sandwich bag)."
"My parents sat me down to explain post-9/11 US security policy, and I spent the following year quietly waiting for the FBI to show up and take me away."
- bermily95
Just Google It
"Not the parent here, but I was the child."
"My parents took me to Vegas when I was like 10 or 11. When I was growing up and had questions about things, my mother had a bad habit of saying, 'Google it,' to shut me up."
"We drove around, and I kept seeing advertisements for peepshows. I asked my mother what a peepshow is, and she said, 'Google it.'"
"So I did. Later that week, my mother started going ballistic on me for Googling peepshows."
"When my dad heard what was happening, he about p**sed himself laughing and said, 'You did tell him to Google it.'"
- boltswingagain
The Best of Typos
"They searched for ''big bobs.'"
"Bob Ross, Bob Odenkirk, Bob Hope, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Bob Segar."
"Lots of Big Bobs to check out."
- ReadAllAboutIt92
Wrong, Wrong Website
"When I was probably eight, I needed a new pair of soccer cleats, so my mom told me to go online to the Dick’s Sporting Goods website to see what they had."
"I typed in d**ks dot com. I did not find soccer cleats on that website and I was horrified, lol (laughing out loud)."
"I just yelled, 'MOOOOOM,' and she came to the computer room and realized she f**ked up by saying, 'Check out the d**ks website.'"
- Pristine-Coyote-9836
An Interesting Addition to the Collection
"My daughter (age six) had an obsession with pregnancy for a while, and her tablet is linked to my phone, so when I got on YouTube, I discovered Pregnant Barbie in the search history."
- p4ins33ker060
Only 90s Kids Will Understand
"I got in trouble for searching 'Bare Naked Ladies' when I was like 11 or 12. It took me days to convince my parents I wasn't into girls, I just liked the band."
- GreenerPeachCobber01
Questionable Education
"She typed in, 'Is the earth and the world the same thing?'"
"My daughter's 16..."
- Mammoth_Switch8169
"Look at it this way: she is minimizing her ignorance. She will always know that answer. You should encourage anybody, not just children, to ask questions. Never criticize a sincere person for asking one."
- Huey107010
Table-Top Research Gone Wrong
"My kid and I both play various TTRPGS (table-top role-playing games), so we've had some... interesting... searches."
"'Can you cry without eyeballs?'"
"'If no infections, can someone live without skin?'"
"'How long would it take to skin an average size human?'"
- MrHyde_Is_Awake
Planning Ahead
"I don't know why, but 'Cheapest retirement homes near me...'"
- Mace069
"Better than 'cheapest retirement homes far away from me,' right? Right?"
- CastleRockstar17
Not Properly Rented
"I thought this would be worse. My biggest fear as a kid was being caught watching pirated episodes of 'Hannah Montana.'"
- ech0inthef0rest
The Power of ASMR
"My son has some special needs and absolutely loves DVDs. He likes to stack them, organize them, open them, it’s very calming for him. I found him googling and YouTubing people opening DVDs. Taking them out of plastic, etc."
"Nothing bad but definitely peculiar."
"Love that boy."
- JD054
A Matter of Preference
"They were looking up Nickelback songs..."
- mijour
"This is tough. If you need someone to talk to about this, we are here for you."
- DomDomW
The Family Jokester
"She was seven at the time. She looked for 'best ways to annoy my dad,' and on the Google Home device! Gotta admire the hustle!!"
- taptriv
A Future Debate Team Captain
"My eight-year-old searched for 'how to make Daddy buy me a puppy.'"
- Onetwobus
While these were not at all what we expected, we can only imagine the hilarity that ensued at home.
But for the ones like getting a puppy and pulling pranks, it sounds like those kids are going places!
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