"Which country do you joke about most in your country?" –– This was today's burning question from Redditor BASICALLY_EGE, and its an eye-opener.
Let's face it: We all make jokes. As Americans, for instance, it's just too easy to tease Canadians. And Canadians love ripping on us. Can you blame them? I mean, look around. *gestures wildly at everything*
Turns out people get a kick out of teasing their neighbors.
"When Italians..."
When Italians are not joking about other Italians, they usually pick France. Goddamn baguette eating ppl. /s It's an old feud, and both parts are not going to withdraw.
"In Turkey..."
In Turkey we joke about Greece and in Greece they probably joke about us.
"We are exposed..."
For Canada I would have to say America. We are exposed to a lot of their media, a high percentage of Canadians have either visited America or had exposure to American tourists, and their lifestyles are similar enough to our own that it feels kind of relatable.
"I would say..."
I would say it's different per state in the US, but in California we make fun of Canadians and how they talk.
"Mexican here..."
Mexican here, used to joke about America a lot, not that much anymore, seems my generation jokes more about South America now (mostly Argentina, Chile and Brazil)... but I must say... the country we joke about the most is our own.
"...we mostly..."
American, we mostly just make fun of our own states around us or certain sub-cultures in general i.e. rednecks, 'woke' people, California, etc.
"In fact..."
From England and we joke about America. In fact me and my Dad talked about it this evening. I had asked if the Americans were aware of how other people viewed them. He said "The East coast know how they are viewed, the West coast is too cool to care, and the people in the middle are waiting for God to intervene."
"We usually..."
Australian here. We usually joke about NZ. Now they have an amazing prime minister while ours is a crook, so we take the piss out of ourselves and fantasize about moving there (or merging our countries and have Jacinda look after us all).
"But since..."
In Germany, we made a lot of jokes about France and Poland.
But since Trump is President, I think people, especially my friends and me, make more jokes about the USA than every other country.
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