We've all put our foot in our mouth, or at the very least said things we would later deeply regret a few times in our lives.
Sometimes, we might make a tasteless joke to a group of people we know and trust, not realizing that it might have struck an extra personal chord and thus was even more insipid than we thought.
Other times, we might bemoan or complain about a certain way of life, oblivious to the fact that the person we're talking to feels that way.
What puts us at ease after finding ourselves in these unfortunate situations is the fact that we have also been on the receiving end of these situations.
Sometimes truly in disbelief of what we have just heard.
Redditor AnonymousBedrotter56 was curious to hear about the most jaw-dropping things people ever heard come out of someone's mouth, leading them to ask:
"Whats the most out of touch thing you've heard someone say?"
Apparently Some People Can Take No For An Answer...
"'just buy the place you're renting so you don't waste your money and turn a profit'."
"CEO of my job who was pulling in a pension from his government job, and two part time salaries from the two positions he sat on."
"When I said how could I afford that, he asked if he wasn't paying me enough."
"I said no and he left my office."- Mundane-Prune-4504
And Where Would They Do That, Exactly?
"When I couldn't afford something and my rich friend said 'just check if you have any more money lying around'."- Donkvid731
Something Is Better Than Nothing...
'My boss (who makes 300K+) said we should be grateful for them cutting some of our holiday pay because 'legally we don’t have to give you any'."
"I’m quitting as soon as I can find another job lol."- TearAwkward
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"A family friend’s child passed away suddenly."
"One of their family members said 'God doesn’t make mistakes'."
"'It was her time'.”
"I’m still pissed about it."- RanchOnPizza4Ever
Yeah... Not The Same Thing...
"I had a friend whose son got convicted of homicide."
"Another friend tried to empathize by saying that his son got a speeding ticket and he didn't know what to do about it."
"The first man said 'Pay the f*cking ticket and hug your son'."
"Then he left."- forebill
Say It With Me: "Easier Said Than Done!"
"'You work too hard, that's why you're so stressed; you need to take a vacation and relax in Italy for a week or two.'"
"Why didn't I think of that!?"
"I'll just go shake some money off my money tree and be on the next flight."- Reasonable-Ad-949
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Is Cold Comfort EVER Comforting?
"When I told my boss that my dad has cancer (and we’re waiting for staging), she 'reassured' me that it’s better he die quickly and not from dementia, as her best friend’s parent has it, and it was worse than cancer."
"I told her that that comment was not helpful at this time, at all."- ghostinyourpants
What A Sum Indeed...
"Just recently."
"My multi-millionaire boss complaining about the cost of sending his daughter to boarding school in the U.S. (70k a year)…"
"Saying it was unfair for Europeans because we pay much higher taxes than Americans…"
"And he knows my annual gross salary, for which I work very very hard, is a bit less than one year of tuition."- b_a_c_girl
Talk About Unfit For Their Job...
"In high school, I got called out of class to my guidance counselor's office, where my mom was waiting to break the news that my best friend had been killed the night before in a car crash."
"I'll never forget the blank stare that GC gave me while I'm in the middle of a total meltdown as she asked 'I take it this is someone you knew?'"
"Nah, lady."
"Never heard of them until today."
"This is just how I react every time somebody dies."
"I'm what you might call an extreme empath."- FrankieTheDustmite
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Broken Is An Understatement
"Grew up in a broken home (parents couldn’t stand each other)."
"Father came to visit one weekend when my sister was out being a teenager."
"Dad says right to my face 'well there’s no point being here if it’s just you'."
'Needless to say I think I’ve realized where my lack of self-worth stemmed from."- pumuli145
Delusional Much?
"At a wedding, I attended back in my 20s.."
"This person grew up with four homes (one internationally)."
"After he and his brother moved out, parents built ANOTHER home."
"A 10 bedroom -- each with its own full bathroom -- house on the edge of a golf course."
"Gym, wine seller, sauna, room with a full bar, pool table, roulette table, poker table etc, and get this.... a room with one of those golf simulation things despite literally living ON THE GOLF COURSE which they could use year round...."
"A couple of direct quotes from people at our table, just to set the scene:"
"'I'm planning to buy my wife and me a plane'."
"'I proposed to my girlfriend at a castle I rented in Europe'."
"'I think my next plastic surgery will be xyz'."
"..and apparently, the bridal party took a 3-minute limo ride to the clubhouse where the wedding was."
"At the ceremony, there was a 15-minute firework show."
"Whole thing probably cost $500,000."
"And during dinner, one of the parents gave a speech and I sh*t you not they said 'I'm so proud of these two'."
"'They've had nothing handed to them in life and have worked so hard to get to where they are today'."
"I still haven't picked my jaw up off the floor."- Own_Jellyfish5980
Yes, At Least...
“'At least you can drink and smoke again!'”
"A woman told me a few hours after I had surgery for a miscarriage."- WearyEnthusiasm6643
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Nepotism AND Favoritism Make A Dangerous Combo...
"'We just have our cook make it'."
"He was an out of touch rich kid that bragged about being rich to the point that his wallet was stolen 4 times, his twin sister is completely normal."
"But I think he’s weird because his family either named their restaurants after him or named him after their restaurants so it’s like their whole business is for him."- Miserable-Button4299
You Can't Have One Without The Other...
"Why can’t they just pay their credit card debt with their money."
"I went to a top private school, we were all wealthy."
"At least my parents gave me some sense of empathy and understanding of the world for others."
"She couldn’t get why people were in debt when I had to explain they didn’t actually have money to begin with."-Salt_Description_973
As The Alternative Was So Much Better...
"In college I had 3 roommates and one hated the other for the most trivial sh*t."
"One of which he just watched sports.'
"On Sept 12, 2001 she said she was kinda glad the terrorist attacks happened because then he couldn't watch sports for a few days."
"It was at lunch and everyone got up and moved to another table and left her there to marinate with her thoughts."-WitchesSphincter
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Some people just have trouble grasping their privilege or have a truly warped sense of reality.
Then too, some people are just plain awful...