There are many picky eaters out there, who tend to only eat very specific foods and are never so willing to break out of their comfort zone and try new foods.
That being said, even the most adventurous eaters have ingredients or foods they don't really like.
Often going to great lengths to avoid them.
However, there are certain ingredients that both the pickiest eaters and die-hard foodies will agree should be avoided at all costs.
No matter the recipe.
Redditor Plus-Statistician80 was curious to hear which ingredients people believe will ruin any dish they're added to, leading them to ask:
"What single ingredient will spoil an entire dish for you if it’s included?"
Sickly Sweet? Or Just Plain Sick?
"It doesn't matter what it is, stevia always leaves a weird taste in the back of my mouth."
"And now it's getting added to things with multiple different sweeteners and it's all BAD."- bananadickpin
Know Your Threshold...
"Its less a ingredient but the act of making the meal spicy/hot without taking flavor into consideration."- Frankthetankjones
A Bit Smoky For My Taste...
"Liquid smoke it adds the flavor of an ashtray."- Syssyphussy
Satisfying Liquid Nitrogen GIF by MasterChefAUGiphy
Never The "Star," Never Should Be The Star...
"Anise."- BuoyantAvocado
"Anise, fenel, all that licorice flavor."
"Terrible!"- supadupa82
Always Guarantees A Dish To Be Sent Back...
"Hairs."- mmmsplendid
"My local Chinese restaurant thinks they’re a garnish."- mmmsplendid
I CAN Believe It's Not Mayonnaise
"Miracle Whip, I hate it with a passion."- neaeeanlarda
miracle whip sandwich GIF by Lady GagaGiphy
One Man's Cr*p Is Another Man's Caviar...
"I always come to these threads and discover that 90% of what I enjoy is ‘dish ruining’ for everyone else."- cewumu
Cruditée My Foot...
"I always said it tasted like crunchy metal to me."- nate6259
Everyone Has Their Limits...
"I'll eat practically anything."
"But have to say I'm not a fan of those salads that have like walnuts and orange slices in them."
"Pass."- vaccumshoes
Season 1 Walnut GIF by Nanalan'Giphy
High End Mold
"Blue cheese."
"Can’t stand the smell and how the crumbles get everywhere so it’s impossible to avoid."- 2lipwonder
Can Someone Please "Carry Away" These Seeds...
"Caraway seeds."- gringledoom
"I came here looking for this."
"So many perfectly good Reubens destroyed by seeded rye!"
"So many slices of pizza with sausage tasting exclusively of caraway!"
"I really don't get the point of Caraway seeds."
"Does anyone like them?"
"The second I bite down on one it's all I can taste."- siani_lane
Fungi Should Be Treated, Not Eaten...
"Doesn't matter the variety, I can taste one part in a zillion."- banjourine
Dance Party Dancing GIF by XboxGiphy
Landlocked Much...
"Anything fishy."- Derc_on_Reddit
There's A Time And A Place For Everything
"Fruit in a salad that shouldn’t have fruit."
"I don’t know salad names but I’ve eaten a lot of different ones, and every time a fruit like a raisin or some sh*t appears, it instantly ruins the salad for me."- gotmynamefromcaptcha
Someone Was. Bound To Say It...
"Cilantro."- Countrygirl353
"I so wish I would be able to understand what cilantro tastes like for the people, who like it."
"For me it just tastes like soap."- ReginaPhalange1502
Hate It GIF by InstacartGiphy
Ultimately, this is a taste issue.
Meaning, whether or not you use any or all of these ingredients in your cooking will determine if the dish will taste good or bad...