According to her daughter, Chloe Lattanzi, the late Olivia Newton-John both believed in the supernatural and paranormal, and recently visited Lattanzi as a 'blue orb' visible in photographs that Lattanzi and her stepdad John Easterling took.
Newton-John passed a year ago from cancer that had spread from earlier breast cancers to her spine. Lattanzi said that before she passed, they had discussed the possibility of Newton-John being able to visit after her death.
Mom and I had talked years back. We’d watch these paranormal shows, and I’d say, ‘You gotta show up for me.’ And she was like, ‘I’ll show up as one of those orb things.’”
Well, she did, according to Lattanzi, as well as John Easterling, who said he also saw the orb. Lattanzi saw it in a photograph she accidentally took of her dog, and Easterling saw it in a photograph he took on a trip to Peru with Newton-John's ashes.
Not everyone was open to the revelation.
Others were quick to pivot to just celebrating Newton-John's life on the anniversary of her death.
Many people talked about their own personal memories of her and how she impacted their lives.
Others couldn't believe a year had gone by since she passed.
Finally, there were those who lamented how underrated she was in her time.
Those wishing to commemorate Newton-John have been asked to share memories, like above, or donate to the Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund.
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