Searching for love can be a torturous process.
In fact, just the idea of looking for love can turn you off on love.
Dating is a marathon of nonsense.
At least, that is my experience.
One is supposed to bring their A-game to a date.
More often than not, people are just throwing foul balls.
And they have no idea they're striking out.
Redditor CosmosisJones42 wanted to hear about the times people ran out on a date like they were on fire, so they asked:
"What’s the biggest 'Nah, I’m out' moment you’ve had on a date?"
Being Ranked
"She showed me two pictures of exes and asked where I would rank myself with them."
- OK_weird1229
"Efficient? Yes. Weird? Also, yes."
- ComplaintOpposite
Yes Or No Thumbs Up GIF by Pudgy PenguinsGiphy
The Liar
"It was our fourth date."
"She brought up the exes conversation (how many relationships have you been in, why didn’t they work out, etc)."
"Without skipping a beat she told me she’d probably still be with her last partner but he left because she lied about taking birth control."
- JetPlane_88
It's just Business
"When this first date of ours turned out to be an Amway recruitment meeting."
- ned23943
"I had a cute gas station attendant chat me up and ask for my number. Set up a lunch date later in the week. I show up and she's already sitting with another dude who she introduces as her 'business partner.' I didn't even listen to the pitch, I left immediately. Not sure which scam it was, but something like Amway."
- shmecklesss
Hey Ma
"It was the first date. He brought his mom."
- CaptainFartHole
"A chef at a restaurant I worked at asked one of the waitresses out. Day after their date we're all at work bugging them about how it went. Apparently, he brought both his parents. We made fun of him for ages after that... lol."
"He's a really great guy, though. And tall. And handsome."
- Neve4ever
10 PM
"She wrote 'Let's meet today in the park.' It was 10 pm. It was everything I needed to know to make my final decision."
- CourseIntoTheAbyss
jimmy fallon no GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy FallonGiphy
No Snooping
"Gave her my phone to put music on in the car and saw in the reflection of the passenger window she was going through my texts."
- Ac997
"Ah yeah, I was on a first date and showed her a picture on my phone she started going through the pictures. Then, she held the phone up behind her head away from me while she told a story. Her body language was everything on this like I got your phone now. I wasn't trying to get it back. After finishing her story. I was ready to get my check, finish the evening, and never call her again."
- ThatCoupleYou
A Good Shake
"We went to a movie and as we got up she threw the popcorn on the floor. Flipped the bag and gave it a good shake. I said that wasn't nice and she said they have people to clean up. I wish I had said something else, but I sorta just went on autopilot until I dropped her off."
- ktsb
"It never occurred to me, in all of my almost forty-three years, that someone would do this on purpose. I just assumed that every time I saw a whole bag of popcorn spilled on the floor, someone was really sad because they just dropped all their popcorn."
- Sufficient_Drama_145
Ferrari Cologne
"When he asked me if I thought he smelled nice. I politely said yes, and he reached into his leather jacket and brought out a little sample atomizer of Ferrari cologne. He proudly presented it to me, saying I could keep it as a memento of our date and him."
"In the right way, it could be rather kitschy and cute, but this guy was fully into himself all night, and this was the cherry on top."
"He was shocked when I didn’t want to go home with him that night hahaha."
- towers_of_ilium
All the Others
"He asked me how many other guys I was talking to, and when I said no one else, he said 'Fine lie to me if you want, I'm talking to 7 other girls. It's kind of a slow week for me because it's usually like 15-20' LOL. I laughed because I thought he was joking, and that pissed him off even more. He told me he could have anyone he wanted, and he left."
- _Justag1rl_
"He asked me how much the bill was for his portion on our first date. I scan the bill and say just put in $15 and it’s fine, I’ll get the rest. He grabbed the bill out of my hand and proceeded to explain to me the exact amount he owed for about five minutes like I didn’t understand basic math."
"Oh, and I’ll throw in a bonus here. Another guy, first date. We met online so it was our very first time meeting. Met at the restaurant, parked close so our initial meeting was in the parking lot. He says hi, asks how the drive was, and then told me that if I didn’t agree to f**k him after dinner he wasn’t going to bother with the meal. I got right back in my car and left."
- ThatOne1983
"I was on a first date with a young Mormon lady, we were in our mid-twenties. She told me a little bit about her beliefs, about the seven stages of heaven, and how most people can get to at least the first level of heaven. Then she started talking about sin, and how you can see deeper sins in the color of people’s skin."
"That darker skinned people have more inherent sin, so cannot go to heaven. But, if they repent their sins, their skin will become pure and white, and then they can at least enter. As she was explaining this to me, her speech got slower… and slower… you see, I’m Latino. Needless to say, we didn’t make it to the first base of heaving."
- FriendOfSelf
"Online dating will change you... I have stories where I noped in person, but the wildest by a mile was when I figured out the full name of who I was chatting with and did a Google search."
"The top result was a news story about how she cheated on her BF while he was in their house, a confrontation ensured and said BF was killed by her new lover (their friend). The funniest part: we 'matched' online only 7 months after the published article."
- thabigbreezy
"Went on a dinner date at a guy's house. He surprised me and had invited his parents over and that was awkward enough. Then, in the middle of dinner, he got down on one knee and proposed... it was our FIRST date. I just got up and walked out. Thank God I had driven there. At that point, I would have walked home if I had to, though."
- Cat_tophat365247
Run Omg GIF by Kick GameGiphy
"When he said he traveled to Africa often for work. I lived in Africa for a bit and initially loved this… it was something we had in common. Until he said he doesn’t think people in rural villages in Africa should have access to clean water or electricity because 'someone has to pay for it' After back and forth for a bit, I got up and left."
- kikihippiex
"When he told me that no, we can‘t have a slice of Pizza for lunch because it was not on his plan for the day."
"I was starving, and he insisted that we stick to his plan and have a long nice walk around the lake with thousands of other people because it was the first day with really warm weather in that year, and afterward - Like five hours later - we would go to a restaurant."
- Dry-Inflation6249
Who proposes marriage on a first date?
I would've enjoyed the pizza more than the date.
If I ever choose to date again, I'm going to make sure I'm always wearing running shoes.
This is why it's imperative to know where all the exits are.