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The Most Unexplainable Things People Have Witnessed With Their Own Eyes

Sean McAuliffe/Unsplash

Reddit user MaxyMaxy4321 asked: 'What is something simply unexplainable you witnessed first hand?'

There are miracles all around us even though they're not always apparent to us.

But when something completely baffling happens and we're the only witnesses, how do you attempt to explain what sounds completely implausible to those who weren't there to see it?

People shared their wildest anecdotes when Redditor MaxyMaxy4321 asked:

"What is something simply unexplainable you witnessed first hand?"

Life is a peculiar thing, isn't it?

A Mother's Love

"10 years ago my mother had a pretty bad stroke and was unconscious on life support. I was told that she might not survive past the first 24-48 hours."

"Her mother (my grandmother) was in a special nursing home as she had late stages of Alzheimer’s and had not recognized myself or my mother for the past two years."

"While my mother was in ICU, I had gone to the nursing home to bring her to the hospital as I thought that even though she would not understand or recognize my mom anymore that as her mother she should still have the right to possibly say goodbye to her daughter."

"The entire car ride and right up the moment we were outside her door at the hospital, my grandmother had probably asked 20 times where she was, who was I, where am I taking her but as soon as we walked in the room and she saw her daughter lying in the hospital bed on life support it was like something took over her and she walked right next to my mothers bed side and held her hand and started talking completely coherent to her (even though my mom was unconscious) and was telling my mom that she loved her and had a whole life to live and that she could not bury her own child."

"For the entire time my grandmother was in the room with my mom, she was very alert and coherent. She even was telling the nurse of my mom’s medical history (which was 100% correct) and making sure to make a note that she was allergic to penicillin."

"She was telling my mom how much she loved her and how she was always the best daughter she could have asked for and that she needed to get better as she now had her own daughter."

"As soon as we exited the room and made our way back to the elevators at the hospital, it was just like a switch went off and she went right back to not remembering where we were or what we were doing."

"I have heard of a mothers love but to witness someone who has severe memory loss and communication difficulties all of a sudden snap out of it when they see their child in danger is the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed."

– samiboo888

The Tiny Survivor

"After removing my wet laundry from the washing machine, something flew out and hit me in the chest. You don't expect something to come flying out of the washing machine, so I was scared by it. I looked, and it was a live grasshopper."

"A grasshopper somehow survived the entire wash cycle in my washing machine. I was amazed, and it felt wrong to just smash him since he had already survived so much, so I tossed him back outside."

"I joke and say he's immortal. He's probably still out there somewhere hopping around."

– Mousewaterdrinker

Ghost Cat

"We had an old gray cat that lived on our farm for years and years. Was here before we purchased the property. Use to joke about how she would never die. One day I was backing down our road and ran her over. Horrible. I know. The girls and I buried her in a wooded pet cemetery and life goes on."

"One night, a year later. I go out to the barn to check on our other cats and a single gray kitten appears sitting on top of hay bales with the exact same markings and color. Not afraid, relaxed, just sitting with the other cats like it’s always been there."

"We still have her to this day. I refuse to go check the grave and see if it’s empty."

– AlphaontheLZ

You Gotta Be Kitten Me

"I have a tall knick knack cabinet that I keep crystals, a tea set, and various display items in. It has two shelves and the doors are on the side. They don't lock but they do latch solidly."

"One night I was at my computer and heard shifting glass and movement behind me. I turned and one of my cats was inside the cabinet stepping around the assorted dishes. The door was shut. A cat could not have opened it and she wouldn't have been able to exert enough force to open it from the inside."

"Even if the door had come open (and it hadn't. I'd have heard it.) she wouldn't have been able to close it on her own and the other cats were nowhere near."

"I had to open it and let her out. I then informed the cats that there would be no more teleporting in this house. It hasn't happened since."

– BoomerKaren666

These accident victims had their dates with their maker postponed.

Crash Landing

"I shadowed a cop for a day in high school. We're touring the area and he's telling me all the usual 'career day' type of stuff. A plane (two seater Cessna) goes into a nosedive nearby and crash lands in a forest within our sight."

"Pretty fast and by all logical sense, no one should have survived. We approach and I help rip off the door, but the cop is certain I'm about to see a body so he tells me to go back to the car."

"Not one second later there's a groaning 'help' and we quickly get the still living pilot out of the plane. He has a thousand tiny glass cuts, a broken nose, and several bumps forming on his head and legs. No other passengers thankfully."

"I play impromptu nurse for a short while as the cop calls in the updated details (of course he'd already called in the crash initially)"

"From the FAA that showed up, the sheriffs arriving on scene, ambulances, and a small news crew later, they all had similar things to say. This guy should not have lived beyond the initial crash. The plane had safety features but nothing that could avert the damage of a terminal speed crash."

"The cop and I had only one reasonable explanation and even that felt far fetched. The plane nose diving into a thicket of 50ft plus tall trees might have slowed the plane enough with the dense layer of branches. For context, it was October so no thick foliage. Just dry rigid pine branches."

– Leathcheann

Super Pedestrian

"I saw a man get hit by a car and propelled onto the hood while crossing the street. He slid down onto the street, got up and walked away - John Wick style."

"Just kept walking, ignoring everyone telling him to stop and screaming 'Are you OK?' The car was a Passat the front messed up and the air bags deployed. He just kept walking."

– anon

Was it supernatural?

Summoning The Entity

"Let me preface this by saying that I'm both rational and skeptic. I was then and remain so now. "

"I was over at a buddy's apartment. He was into earth religion, like Wicca, and had a few objects related to his faith around his living room. I asked him about a particularly beautiful box on a shelf."

" 'Oh that. That's Thessala.' He opened the box reveal a green, marbled orb resting in and shrouded by purple velvet."

"We went outside to his patio to have a smoke. He brought 'Thessala' along. He began whispering to it. I couldn't make out what he was saying."

"In no more than a moment, green lightning flashed across the sky and blew out a transformer sending the neighborhood into a blackout with an enormous bang."

"We stared at each other, disbelieving what we just saw. He closed the box gently."

"Now I don't believe my friend summoned lightning and a blackout. The sky was already overcast. It was summer. This was in Texas and our skies are known to deliver some bowel shaking weather."

"It was just one of those visceral post hoc, ergo propter hoc things that makes you question the world for a brief moment. The timing was surreal."

– it_vexes_me_so

That Gut Instinct

"I have a car driving story of my own… I was delivering pizzas one night down a kinda narrow road that was generally all open farming fields and what not except for a few random homes at one of the upcoming intersections. The intersection that I was coming up to, I had the right away w/no stop sign but the traffic north to south had to stop."

"Anyway, no real traffic around, no unusual weather at all, no high winds; nothing! Meanwhile, Im blasting my radio per as usual and have some commercial playing and it’s repeating this slow jingle that says slow down nowwww, slow down nowwww, slow down nowww… at which point i took it in that split second as a sign and took my foot off the accelerator and started lightly braking. Why not?"

"It was then, that a very short distance ahead, a massive willow tree fell over the intersection that I feel I would have surely been in, hadn’t I listened to the radios advice to slow down."

"Finished the delivery and politely asked to go home for the night. I had seen enough."

– Zestyclose-Exam1160

Life. You never know what strange occurrences will take you by surprise.

It just goes to show that just because something an individual witnessed can't be scientifically substantiated, it doesn't it didn't happen.

I guess you just had to be there.

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