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The Most Overrated Food Chains Of All-Time

Hamburgers and french fries

We all indulge in fast food from time to time.

Even if we know what we're eating isn't exactly healthy, sometimes the salty, fatty mass-produced food is the only thing we want.

Resulting in our making weekly, if not daily, visits to a nearby chain.

Then, of course, there are the chains that we make every effort to avoid.

We've likely tried places at least once simply because everyone is always talking about them.

But after having one bite, we have trouble seeing exactly what all the fuss was about and vow to never return.

Even if it might be the only option at a rest stop or even the only available food for miles, we instead opt to wait and be hungry.

Redditor BungOnMimosas was curious to hear what people considered to be the most overhyped fast food chains around, leading them to ask:

"What do you think are the most overrated fast-food chains? Why?"

"Food As It Should Be"... Or Not...

"I know it's not technically 'fast food', but Panera Bread pisses me off."

"Insanely expensive for extremely average food." - Reddit


"Their quality has decreased so much in the past few years and they’ve added weird sh*t to their menu like pizza and chicken sandwiches."

"Massive identity crisis and crap food."- asm233

Things Ain't What They Used To Be...

"All of them, now that they charge real restaurant prices."- P00pf4rt5

Golden Arches

"As much as I hate to say it, McDonald's is the only place that I can think of that the quality hasn't changed much."

"I mean, that's a pretty low bar, but it is what it is."- gnatman66

happy ronald mcdonald GIF by McDonald's CZ/SKGiphy

"The majority of them, especially the really big ones (McDonald's, Wendy's, BK, Pizza Hut, etc)."

"The prices are no longer fast food prices and the quality is not there like it used to be."

"Far better local options that cost roughly the same at the end of the day."- senorita_diablo

Consistency Is Key...


"You can go to the same location three separate times, have the food made by the same staff, and receive 3 wildly different results."- AndrewLampart

Not So Popular Anywhere, It seems...

"KFC in France became so bad."- SterBout

"KFC."- calm4u

fried chicken animation GIF by octavioterolGiphy

Likely Won't Go National...

"Idk how wide spread they are, but in the Buffalo NY area there is a chain called Mighty Taco."

"They were even voted best tacos a few years ago."

"It is absolutely terrible food."

"I’ve tried to like it and given them 3 chances."

"Each time I couldn’t eat more than a couple bites."

"Absolutely terrible and I’m disgusted even thinking about their sour vomit in a tortilla."- aa-2020

"Eat Fresh"...

"I think I’ve answered this question before but definitely for me, it’s Subway."

"Nothing but a giant hunk of bread."

"I’m editing this to add that part of my anger about Subway is how good it used to be."

"I can remember the days of nearly a whole can of tuna salad delicious sub."

"And a Veggie sub with Swiss cheese and piles of yummy veggies and the sweet Vidalia onion sauce."

"It’s all gone to sh*t."

"I would’ve been perfectly OK with increasing price but the big drop in quality pissed me off."

"Oh woe is me with my first world problems."- Mysterious-Region640

football ok GIF by Subway ColombiaGiphy

Quantity Doesn't Guarantee Quality...

"Starbucks is a scam."- cmkeller62

Tasty, But Not Worth It...

"I’m going to say Five Guys."

"Not because the food isn’t good, but because I’m not paying $20 for a burger meal."- 2PacTookMyLunchMoney

"Dairy queen grill and Chill for sure."

"I worked at one for a lil' while and 1 burger combo is $14.56 CAD."- lolidk13

Ice Cream Miracle Treat Day GIF by Children's Miracle Network HospitalsGiphy

And Not In A Good Way...

Big Kahuna Burger, it kills you."-Darklock2022

No two people have the same taste in food.

Some people know to avoid crappy food, while others eat literally nothing else.