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People Divulge The Most Disrespectful Thing Someone Ever Said To Them

Reddit user mochamadess_ asked: "What’s a disrespectful thing someone said that genuinely shocked you?"

None of us are perfect, and we've all said things that we either didn't mean or that we deeply regret.

But there are some things that people have said that have been so disrespectful, it's actually disturbing.

Bracing themselves, Redditor mochamadess_ asked:

"What's a disrespectful thing someone said that genuinely shocked you?"

Poor Grandma

"Me: Hey boss, I need the day off (in a few days). My grandma just passed away."

"Boss: Well, tell your grandma to quit dying."


"'I'm sorry, I promise she won't do it again.'"

"(I'm sorry, but I would have been so mad, I would have felt the need to shock him in some way, but I'm petty like that.)"

- seriousQasker


"When I worked in retail, I was working the register and addressed an older woman as 'Ma'am.' She flipped the f**k out on me and said not to her call her Ma'am. She said slavery days were over and that she wasn't my slave master (I'm Black)."

"I was caught off guard. Another woman behind her just gave me a warm reassuring smile and shook her head, notifying me not to engage."

- DarthAuron87

The Wealthy Don't Wait

"A wealthy client for an organization screamed in my face that rich people shouldn't have to wait in line with regular people."

- teachmeyourstory

"Rich people shouldn’t do a lot of things."

"Change the world so that they benefit and everyone else suffers."

"Buy politicians so they don’t advocate for proper change."

"Ruin a national park worker's life just because they did their job and didn’t give the rich pr**k a free pass."

"Lots and lots and lots of things rich people shouldn’t do."

- Dudewhocares3

Inside Thoughts Only

"My ex-wife told me, 'Every time I know your parents are driving here, I pray they die in a car accident.'"

- Genghishahn44

"This is one of those things that should only be an inside-thought."

- f1del1us

Child-Parent Bond

"When I was about 15/16, due to financial circumstances, my dad ended up moving abroad to make money. I then moved abroad (to a different country from his) a few years later, and when I was about 24, he very unexpectedly died."

"I was 15/16 when I last saw him and it completely broke my heart. It still does."

"Anyway, after I came back from compassionate leave, a co-worker said to me, 'I was very close to my mum so I know how it feels to lose a parent. At least you hadn’t seen him in a while so it wasn’t as bad as me losing my mum.'"

"I was floored and so shocked, I had no response. It’s not a f**king competition, what an insensitive and unnecessary comment."

- _LittleRiver_

An Inconsiderate Mother

"As a teenager, I was overweight and frequently bullied for it. When I was about 14, I told my mother that the Hollister polo I’d tried on didn’t fit."

"Her response: 'Yeah, they don’t want fat people wearing their clothes.'"

"Over twenty years later, she claims she’s always supported body positivity for men. At the same time, she denies ever making that remark to me. No apology has ever been given, even with the 'If I said that' preface. It still hurts."

- CatacombsRave

"The tree remembers. The axe forgets."

- KoalaQueen87

The Hatred Of Boundaries

"My older sister said to me, 'When are you going to get over brain surgery?'"

"At that time, I had a series of three brain surgeries, and the last was a lobectomy that caused a total personality change and I no longer tolerated her bulls**t."

"I used to be quiet but after brain surgery, it was like, don't mess with me. I woke up a stranger to myself, and THAT was hard enough. I have bad headaches and other stuff, so brain surgery will always be a part of me."

"SHE didn't like the new me, or more like, what she couldn't get away with anymore."

- Seuss221

Needlessly Rude

"I used to work at Walgreens, and a woman walked in and asked me where the Hanukkah cards were."

"We had two entire aisles for cards, and employees do not stock them, a separate person from Hallmark comes in to take care of it. So I said 'I think they're in this aisle...' and started walking towards them."

"In an extremely condescending tone, she immediately said, 'I don't need you to think, I need you to know.'"

"I was so baffled by the response, I just pointed at them and walked away, and I made sure not to be at the counter when she checked out. Literally never in my life, before or since, has someone been that pointlessly rude to me."

- therainbowemoji

Hurtfully Humbling

"I won my youth group’s baking competition when I was around 13/14, and my prize was that my expenses were waived for the next youth trip. I’d been struggling badly with anxiety, depression, and social anxiety, a fact that my family and youth leaders were aware of and supporting me in dealing with."

"It was hard to allow myself to feel proud and good about that win and taking the chance on entering, but I did feel good about myself."

"About a week later, my brother and I were arguing about something dumb, we both said immature hurtful teenage things, but at one heated point he blurted out, 'You know you only won because everyone felt sorry for you, right?'"

"It was like a bucket of cold water on both of us, because he immediately and sincerely apologized and we both cooled off after that, but man. It stuck with me."

- Square-Raspberry560

A Scarring Experience

"When I was 14, I had my first job at McDonald's. And you know how sometimes if something costs 3.05 and you give them 5.05 so you can get 2 singles instead of the change. I mean that's such a simple thing, but there was still a time where you learned that."

"This guy had an order that was like 5.25 and he gave me 10.25 and I kept trying to give him the quarter back because I didn't realize what he meant, I mean the 10 was enough in my mind."

"The guy got SUPER P**SED and started screaming at me. And he said, 'Better keep this job, kid, because this is all you're ever gonna be.'"

"I was 14 years old."

- Jesus_Skywalker

A Final Jab

"After getting a D in a college course, the next semester the teacher ran into me in the hallways and told me that they should have failed me in the course I took. I replied by saying it’s too late for that, so why make that comment. Just to tear me down?"

- yikester20

"On the last day of my last job, my boss made sure to let me know that the client didn't like something I had proposed doing. Was there anything she needed me to do? No, she just thought I should know."

"She was such a psycho."

- mikuooeeoo

Totally Rude

"I was in my third year of college and finally able to take some elective courses I’d been wanting to take. The course I was in was basically a feminism/women's study kind of class."

"On the first day, we were introducing ourselves and basically had to say something we always wanted to accomplish in life. Ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to be a Mom, and I’ve always loved kids. I said this."

"The professor replied, 'Well, at least you’re pretty,' and moved on. I was left speechless. Didn’t even realize what she said at first."

- Living_Bath4500

The Sweetness Wore Off

"When I was 12, hanging out with a group of friends, one girl who had always been so sweet to me interrupted me mid-sentence to say, 'Every time you open your mouth, I like you less.'"

"No one else in the group said anything; they all just stared. It was the most humiliating moment of my life, I don’t think I’ll ever forget it."

- LibrarianBarbie

On Again, Off Again

"An ex told me, 'Good luck finding someone to put up with all of YOUR sh*t!' seemingly to gaslight me into believing no one else would ever love me."

"Well, one day I left him and found my now-husband six days later. We immediately started dating. My ex wasn't happy about that. After so many fake breakups for attention, I was kind of past caring."

- SillyGillyGoose

It's clear why these statements were so hurtful and why the Redditors remembered them, even years later.

Sometimes people are so unnecessarily hurtful and cruel, and it makes no sense why they used so much energy to be so awful.

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