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Moms Reveal The Silliest Things They Cried About When They Were Pregnant

Reddit user kismitten asked: 'Women of Reddit, what is the silliest thing you cried about when pregnant?'

Pregnant woman forming a heart with hands over belly
Alicia Petresc/Unsplash

Expectant women have plenty to concern themselves with, including coming up with baby names, buying clothes, and planning for the immediate future.

Hopefully, they have plenty of support from their partners, friends, and family, to ease some of the stresses involved in welcoming a new baby.

But that doesn't mean they might have an occasional emotional breakdown or two that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

Curious to hear from those who are familiar, Redditor kismitten asked:

"Women of Reddit, what is the silliest thing you cried about when pregnant?"

There was no rhyme or reason for these sudden tears.

Critter Sighting

"I saw a squirrel with short tail."

"I forgot how to use my turn signal."

– Sinfulcinderella

"i’d like to imagine these two events are connected- you saw the squirrel with the short tail and was so distraught over it you forgot how to use your turn signal."

– wannabe_msmarvel

Trouble In The Kitchen

"Couldn't open the fridge because the door kept hitting my pregnant belly so sat on the kitchen floor and cried for like 15 minutes."

– Royal_Confidence24

"The belly getting in the way set me off too! I cried my heart out one day when I was a week or two away from giving birth because even my maternity clothes were getting to be too small."

"I just wanted a comfy hoodie to wear and had to wear my husband's--- and that was pretty snug on me too. I am, when not pregnant, very literally half his size, and when I realized that his clothes were going to be the only things I could wear till my son was born almost destroyed me."

– mistress_of_none

"My ex sister in law made me cry because she walked in on me cooking with the front burner (which was the big burner). And she said, 'You know that’s the big burner and wastes a lot of gas for that tiny pot you’re using. Why aren’t you using the smaller burner in the back??'”

"And I burst into tears because my pregnant belly wouldn’t let me reach the pot if it was on the back burner."

– FknDesmadreALV

Neglectful Kitty

"I cried because I forgot to get my husband a father's day card from our cat."

– f'kyeahcaricci

"just cried over the thought of getting my husband a father's day card from our cats and tracing all 3 of their paws in it."

– StanleysMoustache

Playful Pets

"Watching dogs play competitive frisbee. They jumped so high. They looked so happy. It was so beautiful."

– poustinia

"Me also, with dogs winning the little competition shows. As well as the puppies on the toilet paper bag thing.. I’m not even a dog person usually but man when I’m pregnant I can’t stop crying over how cute they are."

– sunshinesmileyface

Not Just Any Duck

"I saw a duck. In my defence, it was a mandarin duck and they’re gorgeous, but I still cried because I saw a duck."

– MrsCosmopilite

It's the littlest things that suddenly take on profound meaning.

Pizza Slices

"I really wanted a frozen pizza during my first pregnancy. I was 14 pounds under my starting weight and couldn’t keep anything down. I was in the tub one night when my husband offered to make me one."

"He had a particularly long day at work so it was kind of him to offer. As I was sitting there, I realized that he would probably cut it into squares like I normally do. Only the idea of pizza in the shape of a square made me really nauseated."

"A triangle slice sounded fine though. I didn’t want to seem nit-picky since he was already doing me a favor. He brought it to me in triangles! I cried because I was so grateful that he cut a dang pizza into normal slices instead of squares."

– KSmegal

Wrong Order, Right Selection

"The Tim Hortons drive through gave me 2 sour cream glazed donuts when I asked for 2 sour cream glazed timbits..I cried most of the way home lol."

– eggyboi999

"I cried because I ordered Popeye's mashed potatoes on my way home from a trip (we didn't have a Popeye's) and when I got back, they'd given me French fries. The fries were cold by then."

"I complained about it / made fun of myself on facebook and one of my friends was like, 'Are you sure you aren't pregnant?' Then I cried because we couldn't get pregnant and I thought she was being insensitive."

"Nope, I was totally pregnant for real."

– NeedsMoreTuba

No Reason


"I am 8.5 months and at around month 4 I woke up one morning for work and sat in the bathroom for ten minutes just sobbing. Nothing going on at all. Literally still in pjs. I couldn't do my make up till it passed lol."

"I was fully aware of how ridiculous it was but couldn't stop. Only time that has happened the whole pregnancy."

– rachface636

Sometimes it's a specific thing that becomes a huge thing.

No Option For Cats

"My cat, Ellie."

"I sobbed one night because she was spayed, and I wondered if she ever wanted children and was upset because we took away that option from her."

"Hormones are WILD."

– Clare_Dawson

The Traffic Stop

"Dude, I was toward the end of my last trimester and I got pulled over because I took a turn to harshly or something. I don't remember. The moment the cop walked to my window, I immediately burst out crying."

"I was waving my arms trying to cool myself down. Shouting 'I just wanted to go get my husband from boot camp' and this poor young officer backed up with his hands in the air and tried to very calmly say 'it's okay. I'm going to let you go'"

"But because I was crying and hysterical I could not hear him and I just got worse and worse until another officer showed up (I think he just happened to be passing by when this was happening) and she came to my window and was like 'it's okay. He's not going to even give you a citation of any kind. Just be on your way. Just breathe.' Lmao"

– Snoo-45800

Concerned Officer

"Man I threw up all over myself and my center console and peed my pants while driving. I pulled over and just started crying. Next thing I know an officer pulls up behind me and I cry harder thinking I’m in trouble. He just wanted to check on me."

"I explained I was 20 some weeks pregnant and it was the 3rd time today I’ve thrown up (this was 9am on my way to work) and I’m just so tired. He kept saying it was ok and asked if he could call someone for me or if I needed help or a medic."

"I asked if he had paper towels to clean myself up a bit and then I should be ok to drive home and I’d call my husband. I just needed a minute."

"This man found a park bathroom near by and ran to it to get me paper towels. The look on his face when I just explained how I vomited and peed myself told me this may be a first lol."

– Brown-eyed-otter

Wet Lambs

"We drove past a field with some fresh baby lambs and they were getting drizzled on. Absolutely inconsolable sobbing about how it wasn't fair that they can't be inside in the nice and warm."

– Mauhea

Mistaken Purchase

"I accidentally bought battery-powered salt and pepper grinders, which I cried about in the first place, but then I had no batteries and we were on a curfew because of lockdown so I couldn't go back out and just buy batteries, so I cried even more."

"Also technically not when I was pregnant but less than 24 hours after my baby was born I sobbed into my breakfast cereal because I couldn't feel my baby kicking anymore and I was sad that I wasn't pregnant (even though I wasn't sad I was pretty happy about it actually)"

– durkbot

Moms, it's perfectly okay to cry over the most trivial of things.

While you may perceive yourselves to be dramatic, I can't imagine what your body goes through while carrying a life force inside you.

I always say moms are our heroes.

So if you have to cry over a squirrel sighting or a miscommunicated food order, it is perfectly warranted.