We love tales of revenge with a side of vengeance and a bit of pay-backery. If you think not, explain the wild success of the "John Wick" films, where a former hitman gets revenge for his dog being killed by a group of Russian mobsters. We desire suffering for those who've inflicted it on us deep in some dark corner of our souls. But, since we don't have access to an elite assassin's network, some of us might have to settle for wishing these on our enemies.
Reddit user, u/seawolfie, wanted to know what pesky problems you'd wish for when they asked:
What minor annoyance would you wish on your worst enemy, every day, forever?
...And Then It Never Comes...
The feeling like you're about to sneeze but then nothing happens.
Just A Sea Of Read
Every single stoplight turns red when they get to it.
B-But... MINOR inconvenience. Not make me 20 minutes late everywhere
Your Writing Will Always Look Just A Bit Too Scratchy
No matter how many times they sharpen a pencil, or how good the pencil/shapener [sic] is, the very tip will always snap, breaking the pencil.
Its happened to many times to me, i wish for someone to feel my pain.
Is It "Password1234" Or "Password1234$"?
They cant save any of their internet logins and they can't login until at least the 3rd try
Even If You Have A Cute, Little Bowl By The Door
Things are never, ever quite where they remember putting them.
The Ads Never Stop
Spotify ads except they're in the middle of their conversations
Getting interrupted while talking? Sounds like my life.
Good Luck Trying To Get One
Every time they reach for a paper clip all of them are chained together and have to be untangled.
I worked in an office once where somebody did this to the boss. Connected all her paper clips together. She got angry and said don't ever do that again.
Idiot did it again a week later. She fired him on the spot.
"If you have enough time to f-ck around with my paper clips, you're not doing your job properly".
She was harsh, but right.
It Follows You...Forever...
Smoke alarm low battery chirp, forever.
Even in your car and at work/school.
Always With The Heels
Damp socks, or sandy socks. A hole in the heel so your skin sticks slightly to the bottom of the shoe. A sticker that is poking when your foot is at just the right angle, but cannot possibly be found in either the sock or the shoe. Socks with slightly too tight openings that leave an imprint.
All of the above on a random daily rotation.
And It Shall Never Come Out!
They forever feel like there is a hair on their tongue.
God d-mn, he said minor, not get them to kill themselves.
You Horrifying Monster...
A charger that only charges in a certain position.
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