Club, next club, bar, late-night Thai food, next club. This sounds like many millennials' Saturday nights in the late 2000s/early 2010s. One of those millennials asked in a Tiktok if Gen Z still does that sort of thing.
Ashley Tea, the TikToker who asked this, had a suspicion that Gen Z weren't living the same lifestyle she was able to have in her early 20s "indie sleaze" era, or even being "emo in 2005."
"What does [Gen Z] do for fun?" Tea asked. The pandemic ruined their bar coming of age, and Tea wasn't sure what they all ended up doing with their Friday and Saturday nights.
@ashleyteacozy im genuinely curious
Gen Z replied, and it was, well, kind of depressing to read about. They certainly aren't going to clubs.
In general, they aren't doing well.
For one thing, it's too expensive to go out anywhere, thanks to the state of the economy these days.
Some talked about what they did do, including...improv games?
Or, as many commented, video games.
There was a surprisingly large group of Gen Z who do fiber arts like crochet and knitting to pass the time.
Another millennial chimed in with thoughts on these arguably better-for-your-liver activities.
Another proposed that maybe they are just reverting to even older forms of getting together.
Finally, someone nailed it: there's nowhere to go anymore that doesn't cost money just to be there.
Well, congrats to Gen Z's clubbing budget, but also here's hoping they can get out some more, eventually, if they want to.