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Michigan Hotel Manager Calls Woman A 'Dumb Democrat' During Confrontation About Overflowing Toilet

Michigan Hotel Manager Calls Woman A 'Dumb Democrat' During Confrontation About Overflowing Toilet
Jennifer Tylka Biela/Facebook

Two moms and five kids were forced to leave their hotel after they went to the front desk asking for help when the toilet began to overflow.

The man at the front desk, later identified as manager Benny Lucchese, not only kicked them out but berated Jennifer Biela, who managed to take a few videos of the incident.

In a Facebook post, Biela said she decided to take her children on an 'adventure' with her friend, Jonesta Kimble, and her kids. They stayed in Mackinaw City, Michigan at a hotel called Crown Choice Inn and Suites, which was their last stop on a three day trip.

Biela explained what happened at the hotel front desk:

" Around 11 my kids and I went to bed."
"My son heard water running and discovered the bathroom was flooding."
"I ran down to the front desk. He asked me if I shut the valve off and I said no I am coming to you for help."
"He stated that since I refused to turn the water off it was my responsibility and he was calling the police to charge me with malicious destruction of property."

Lucchese was verified to be a cousin of franchise owners Joe and Enzo Lieghio.

The manager then began spewing derogatory and ableist slurs:

"He said we needed to pack our bags and leave."
"He told me I was an 'idiot', a 'dumba**' and several other derogatory names."
"I was in such shock but managed to start recording this about halfway through the conversation."

You can see video here:

In the first video, Biela said:

"I was laying in bed with my children and your bathroom started flooding."

Lucchese cut her off and said:

"You rented the room, it's your bathroom now. You're responsible for that room."

When Biela protested he replied:

"Stop being an idiot and start thinking with your mind, okay, you're being a Democrat, a dumb Democrat."
"And go to your room, pack your stuff and leave."

She told Newsweek she made no mention of her political affiliation during her time there.

Biela said she would refuse to pay any fees for the room.

Lucchese insisted he would charge her for the room and any damages.

He continued in a second video:

"You're causing damages, and you're not going to pay for it. That's a stupid answer. You're an idiot."
"When you get the police report, you'll come to your senses."

Even though Biela stated she went down to ask for Lucchese's help in shutting off the water, he continued to call her an 'idiot' and ignore her request for assistance.

Biela told Newsweek she felt unsafe:

"To be honest, I was terrified; it was just him and I in the lobby."
"When he made the comment to 'leave, it's better for you,' it felt like a threat, and I was scared what might happen."

The second video ended with Lucchese saying:

"Leave. It's better for you, dumba**. Leave. You're responsible, pieces of sh*t."

Biela's final video ended with her in a room off of the front desk area and Lucchese yelling:

"Irresponsible pieces of sh*t."

The last image in the Facebook post is a police report from that night made by Lucchese to the Mackinaw City Police Department.

You can see Biela's full Facebook post here:

Biela said the two families tried to find another hotel on the City of Mackinaw website that wasn't owned by the Lieghio family with rooms available. There was only one not owned by the family and it was full for the night.

Supportive comments flooded in with many saying they will not be staying at that Crown Choice Inn and Suites.

Philopulos Jeanette/Facebook

Melissa Ruiz/Facebook

Emily Bartys/Facebook

Nichole Hermes/Facebook

Linda KMe/Facebook

Linda KMe/Facebook; Bryan Sidney/Facebook

Allen Laycock/Facebook

Christina Stephens/Facebook

Brenda Heggaton Alexander/Facebook

Danielle Ylinen/Facebook

Facebook user Dave Tchozewski did some investigative work.

He found the family who owns this group of hotels also controls a site they link to for reviews as well as some insight into the City of Mackinaw website.

Dave Tchozewski/Facebook

Dave Tchozewski/Facebook

The Detroit Free Pressreported the prosecutor's office didn't find any malicious intent by Biela and dismissed the charges filed by Lucchese against her.

Joe Lieghio told the Detroit Free Press Lucchese was fired for his actions, even though he has been working with them for 25 years and is a relative.

Lieghio said:

"Although family is of the utmost importance to us, the way he acted was wrong."
"We don't take the decision to get rid of him lightly."

The hotel conglomerate own claimed he was unaware of the incident until Biela posted it on Facebook. He added the families were not charged for the rooms and he reached out to apologize.

Biela disputed this account, telling the Detroit Free Press she got a refund by filing a credit card dispute. Biela said her traveling companion was still charged for a two-night stay.

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