Years before Donald Trump became President, he was already being rude to people all over New York.
This comes as no news to New Yorkers.
But even Atlanta native Michael Stipe—frontman for the band R.E.M.—has a story.
He told the story of having to tell Donald Trump to shut up at a Patti Smith concert. He told his tale while being interviewed on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
You can watch the interview here.
According to Stipe, he was attending a Patti Smith charity concert at Joe's Pub in Manhattan in the late 1990s when a large, rude man came in with his date and began talking loudly during the music.
After the man wouldn't stop talking, Smith told him:
"Excuse me, that's my friend. And you have to stop talking. ... Stop! ... What are you doing? Shut up."
Of course, we now know that man was none other than future President Donald Trump.
Without yet calling out Trump by name, Stipe described what the man did in response to being chastised.
"The guy got up and left. He walked out. He took his date, who he was obviously trying to pick up, and left the club."
Colbert and Stipe also discussed R.E.M.'s continued battle to stop Trump from playing their music at his rallies.
Stipe disappointedly explained:
"It's a licensing problem and there's nothing we can do except respectfully request that he not."
Twitter loved Stipe for telling Trump off when he had the chance.
R.E.M. is taking pains to be on the right side of history.
Perhaps the real question is why on Earth Donald Trump would be at a Patti Smith concert.
The world needs more Michael Stipe.
Thanks for doing what many wish they could, Michael Stipe. Only the luckiest people in the world will have the opportunity to tell Donald Trump to "shut up" before they die.
People Divulge The Most Disrespectful Thing Someone Ever Said To Them