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Married People Explain How They Knew Their Spouse Was The One

Married couple viewing a sunset
Matt Reiter/Unsplash

Reddit user dmittens111 asked: 'Married people of reddit, how did you know your spouse was the one?'

When you find your romantic person in life, you just know. There is no tangible evidence that can determine this.

It's a vibe. A feeling that can't be denied.

Whether the realization is earned, or cultivated through respect and a period of commitment and dedication to each other, you don't need a second opinion when your heart already knows the answer that you found love.

Those who have tied the knot share defining moments of a confirmed love when Redditor dmittens111ttens111 asked:

"Married people of reddit, how did you know your spouse was the one?"

These are essential for long-lasting marriages.

It's Laughter We're After

"Because it was easy from the start, no games, no wondering if he’d call; He always did. And he made me laugh. Ten years on, still making me laugh every day."

– PlusAd5893

"This is it. 10 years together. No games. No wondering if he's playing games, cheating, etc. It's easy, it's fun. We've been married 8 of our 10 years and now have a 5 year old. We've had good times and rough times, but we've stuck together and keep on laughing."

– SolidRefrigerator9

"This is it right here. You know you have your person when it some so naturally and easy. 22 years together and married for 20 this October. He still makes me laugh every day."

"I still feel like we are dating. He hasn’t stopped doing any of the things that made me fall in love him. I pray every single day our three children find a love like we have."

– peachpark1002

This Cockledoo

"I was standing in the grocery store in 2014 and made a chicken noise."

"he made a chicken noise back."

"true love."

– WearyEnthusiasm6643


"This is exactly how it is with my husband! I never had to wonder what his feelings were, he was straightforward and direct. I also just love being around him and spending time with him. He’s truly my favorite person on this earth."

– Hokieinphl93

Through All The Twists And Turns

"This. Trust and communication are key from the very beginning. 14 years together, 10 years married, multiple job changes, 4 kids, and lots of medical trauma with one of those kids...and we are still together and loving life with each other."

– Left_Surprise_8317

A Lasting Impression

"First night I met her - she was a friend of a friend and neither of us was looking for a partner at the time. Much later in the evening I saw her dancing on her own, and like really going for it as well. She just stood out so much, compared to all the other girls on the dance floor and I just thought 'yep...shes the one for me.' "

"We've been together 18 years this year, 11 married and have a teenage daughter now."

– DonKiddic

It doesn't feel like work.

Love Can Be Easy

"We are about to be at 1 year married, together for 7, and this was always it for me. While we still have lots of years and new things ahead of us, he was always easy. So nice, considerate, never had me guessing, never missed a date a text or a call."

"When people say 'love is hard' I think they take it out of context. Life is hard, love should be a force that helps you through it. If I am going to be with someone for the rest of my life, why would I want it to be someone who tries to make my life harder?"

– Neat_Corgi_4901

Working Together

"This is the answer. It was EASY. It felt right. When you have a partner who works with you and not against you the whole world opens up. We got married 5 years ago and bought a farm, and I will forever be grateful we found each other."

– malinowk

Best Teammate

"This is me and my wife."

"It was always just…easy. Easy to get along, easy to solve problems together. Everything we do together is fun, even if it’s just going to Costco."

– mh985

The Sweetest Revelation

"Easiest relationship I've ever had and was from the first date. I knew by the time we ordered dessert on that date, we'd probably get married. No drama or second-guessing anything. Happily married for 13 years, and it's still easy."

– LordyIHopeThereIsPie

Playful Love

"It’s really something silly, and it was only one of many things that lead to the realization. I had slept in and missed saying goodbye when he left for work. I called to tell him to have a good day and to tease him about not giving me a goodbye kiss. Ten minutes later he walked through the door, kissed me, and then left for work again."

"He was always doing sweet and playful things like that, and in that moment, I realized I didn’t want anyone else. Within weeks, we were engaged, and 5 months later, we were married. We celebrated 14yrs last month."

– Digital_Punk '

Peaceful Mundanity

"Sundays. My favorite day of the week with her. Whether it was sitting quietly with books or running mundane errands to prep for the coming week, the test, for me at least, was how happily we spent our Sundays."

"Friday and Saturday nights are easy. But if you can consistently spend a good Sunday with someone, you have a keeper."

– gallegos

Maturity and respect go a long way.

No Mind Games

"The 'no games' is literally it. I knew from our first date that I’d found someone who wasn’t playing around. I didn’t have to guess or wonder about anything."

– AggressiveSloth11

Being Yourself

"Yes! Exactly! It’s easy to be with him, I WANT to be with him, even if we’re not doing stuff together. I can be myself and he can be himself and we’re comfortable with each other that way."

– SpicyBreakfastTomato

Choose Your Battles

"Yeah, and no real fighting. When we do get into arguments, we calmly talk it out and resolve it. I think in our ten years, we've only had 2 or 3 yelling matches, but were resolved quickly."

"We don't disagree or have arguments over anything that matters (future plans, kids, money)."

– lavender_haze_1988

When I married my husband, it was a no-brainer.

It had already been 15 years of being together before COVID made us ask ourselves what we were waiting for.

For us, it's always been laughter that kept us so enamored of each other and just easy to be around.

It doesn't mean our marriage isn't without complications. What marriages are actually? But we've overcome challenges together and have gotten stronger as a couple because of them, making us love and respect one another on a deeper level.

After a total of 18 years together since first meeting, we're still making each other laugh, and our mutual sense of humor continues to be a huge blessing.

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