Star Wars legend Mark Hamill is roasting First Lady Melania Trump after she was met with boos while addressing a youth opioid awareness even in Baltimore on Tuesday.
President Trump had sparred with the late Democratic Congressman Rep. Elijah Cummings back in July, calling Baltimore a "disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" on Twitter.
So when the First Lady came onto the stage at the "Be Best" event, the kids of Baltimore let her know exactly what they thought of her and her husband.
CNN's Kate Bennett said she was a bit taken aback by the reaction, noting that she couldn't recall another event where the First Lady have been "more negatively received."
Hamill, who hasn't shied away from mocking the Trump administration on Twitter, didn't miss a beat.
He trolled the "Be Best" campaign with a punny new nickname: #BooBest.
And Twitter was all about it.
I mean, she kind of had it coming...
They may make everyone mad with their "Ok boomers" and their TikToks, but you gotta hand it to this generation of kids.
Perhaps our future is in good hands.
In response to the negative reaction, the First Lady told the New York Times:
"We live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I remain committed to educating children on the dangers and deadly consequences of drug abuse."
How brave.