Some would assume that far-right Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood would be fast friends.
They're both conspiracy theorists, particularly when it comes to the delusion that the 2020 presidential election was "stolen" from former President Donald Trump by Democrats engaging in widespread election fraud. They've both planted roots in Georgia, where Wood held rallies after the 2020 election urging Republicans not to vote in the runoffs that delivered Democrats the Senate, while Greene represents its 14th Congressional District.
And, of course, they've both expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy web, which hinges on the fantasy that a covert network of satanic cannibal pedophiles secretly controls the United States government and that Trump was sent by God to expose it.
But the pair are far from friendly.
Wood has railed against Greene as a "communist," while Greene has accused Wood of serving the "father of lies" instead of God.
Now it's Wood who's coming for Greene's religion in a new unhinged rant to The Daily Beast, saying:
“I mean, from a biblical perspective, I think [Greene] is under the influence of the devil. Because people that follow Jesus Christ don’t lie. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a liar. Draw your own conclusions.”
Greene, who's normally quite active on Twitter, has yet to respond on social media.
But plenty of others have, and they jokingly agreed.
A possible explanation.....
— MKR (@Mkstar4) December 8, 2021
"Even a stopped clock..."
— LMcE (@lmcell2) December 8, 2021
Lin Wood, all of us have known that for a while!!!!
— Alvin Perry (@AlvinPe40745844) December 8, 2021
I haven't seen evidence to the contrary!
— Anthony Michael Kreis (@AnthonyMKreis) December 8, 2021
Then again, Wood's own credibility isn't any better.
He speaks from experience. Assuredly?
— Mani Suri (@Taxpert) December 8, 2021
He would know
— Ruthie (@malrkey) December 8, 2021
Is that the pot calling the kettle black
— Dafyd ua Duinnin (@7thtemplar) December 8, 2021
He should know!
— God save us all (@Godsaveusall5) December 8, 2021