The days spent outside, shooting hoops by yourself would be a lot better with a cheering section, wouldn't they?
Certainly would have kept me outside more often.
Paul Stys got precisely that support.
In a video he shared to YouTube, the young man is practicing his shots, when a fan pulls up.
In Stys' video, as he's shooting the ball, a postal worker pulls up. In the video, you can hear her egging him on to try and impress her.
He takes on the challenge, running to the basket and dunking the ball.
His moves earn him a very solid "DAYUM!" from his fan.
Gotta admit, some nice moves from Paul!
The woman is a postal worker named Ebony. When she pulls up to the house, you can hear her say,
"Let me see what you got!"
If only all the mail deliverers were this positive.
Stys' video has gained wide attention, racking up over six million views and hundreds of thousands of likes. That's almost as much as the points he scores.
While it's great to see such positivity spread, it can be difficult knowing that the person who brought that positivity might not know her impact.
Which is why it's so great that Paul shared Ebony's new Instagram.
It didn't take much to convince people to go follow her new account.
These kinds of positive interactions help people to remain connected.
Just recently, a video on Facebook went viral, showing kids from different backgrounds playing together.
A Catholic boy interacting with a Muslim girl shows how easy it can be for people to get along, if they let it happen.