On Monday, August 25, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was questioned by House Representative Katie Porter (D-California).
By asking him basic questions about the facts of the Postal Service, Porter made a compelling case for why DeJoy, a Trump donor who may own millions of investments to USPS competitors, is not qualified for his position.
When Porter asked him how much a postcard cost, DeJoy, laughing, said he did not know.
Porter was clearly out for blood and most people online believe she got what she wanted.
Many Twitter users wanted even more time for Porter to grill DeJoy.
Others felt holding DeJoy to a higher standard would be an ultimately fruitless effort.
To anyone watching the hearing, however, the conclusion was clear.
Never underestimate the danger of basic incompetence.
The United States deserves a Postmaster General who understands and takes responsibility for the entire Postal Service.