When Kanye West announced he was running for President in 2020, we knew it would be a wild ride, and he has certainly delivered.
First he filed his paperwork running on "The Birthday Party" and held a rally at which he claimed Harriet Tubman did not free any slaves. Then his wife, Kim Kardashian, opened up about Kanye's bi-polar diagnosis even as Republican operatives have signed on with West to assist him in trying to get on the ballot in some decisive states, including Wisconsin.
Recently, there has been a bit of drama after his Wisconsin signatures were filed seconds after the deadline, and now the signatures themselves are under scrutiny.
Including the signature of one Mickey Mouse.
The Democratic Party challenged the filing on the grounds of tardiness as well as containing suspect signatures for "Mickey Mouse" and "Bernie Sanders.". Incorrect addresses for circulators and affidavits from individuals claiming they were duped into signing doesn't help West's case either.
And now his lawyers are defending those signatures as totally real and challenging Democrats to prove they're not.
That is what it's come to.
The campaign's lawyer, Michael Curran has challenged the Democratic Party to prove the signatures are fake.
In a filing responding to the challenges, Curran writes:
"A complainant cannot simply raise an issue, with little or no evidence, and shift the burden to the candidate to prove validity—which is what Complainant attempts to do here. As such, and purported challenges, with little or no supporting evidence, should be dismissed."
Again, this is over the signature of Mickey Mouse to put Kanye West on the ballot for president.
As this story unfolds, the sinister nature of the campaign can't be understated. West's campaign is receiving a lot of help from Republican strategists and lawyers.
It's believed they are doing this to draw votes away from Joe Biden in the presidential election, and help Donald Trump. It wouldn't be surprising, considering Rachel George, a Republican strategist in Colorado is helping West's campaign.
Despite this, news about the signatures led to people cracking jokes about the absurdity of having to prove Mickey Mouse isn't real.
What will come of the filing remains to be seen, but the Democratic Party is not issuing comments.
Whether or not West's campaign got signatures from Mickey Mouse and Bernie Sanders, the story of West's run doesn't look to be ending any time soon.