Actor Dame Judi Dench gave an update to the world about her ongoing vision issues.
Dench appeared on the Fearless podcast by Trinny Woodall and confirmed in a long and lovely interview that she is not able to move around on her own anymore, mainly due to vision loss.
“Somebody will always be with me. I have to now because I can’t see and I will walk into something or fall over.”
Dench has macular degeneration, a progressive eye disease that can permanently affect central vision. It is also the number one cause of vision loss in people over 50.
With this vision problem, Dench said that there is one silver lining: she has an excuse to take someone with her to events, which she has always preferred to going alone.
“I’m always nervous before going to something. I have no idea why… I’m not good at being on my own at all, nor would I be now. And fortunately, I don’t have to now because I pretend to have no eyesight."
People loved the interview and shared their feelings about her aging.
Folks also thought Trinny Woodall did a great job with a phenomenal guest.
The outpouring of love for Dame Dench was touching.
Some expressed how much they love Dench's signature style.
Fans chimed in with fond memories they had of her in various roles.
She has served as a graceful role model for decades.
Dench was recently featured in the Channel 4 documentary Dame Judi & Jay: The Odd Couple.