They may have made her a billionaire, but writer and transphobic weirdo JK Rowling seems to hold little regard for the iconic child stars who led the film adaptations of her books.
Rowling is being raked over the coals for disparaging comments she made on X that seemed to be about Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, the three main stars of the Harry Potter film franchise.
Rowling was asked by a fan which actor or actress "instantly ruins a movie for you?"
Rowling gave a terse response that many interpreted as a thinly veiled swipe at the three actors, who have all outspokenly opposed her obsessive transphobia.
In answer to the question, Rowling wrote:
"Three guesses. Sorry, but that was irresistible."
It's a weirdly uncharitable response given how carefully Watson, Grint and Radcliffe have been to be respectful in their criticisms of Rowling's beliefs.
Grint, in particular, went to great lengths to publicly state that though he disagrees with Rowling's beliefs, he still cherishes their relationship and history. He said in a 2022 interview:
"I liken JK Rowling to an auntie. I don't necessarily agree with everything my auntie says, but she's still my auntie. It's a tricky one."
Likewise Radcliffe has shied away from direct criticism, mentioning only how Rowling's anti-trans invective make him "sad" while voicing his support for trans people.
As for Watson, she chose to not even mention Rowling at all while responding to the author's very viral 2020 anti-trans statements.
Rowling has repeatedly insisted that she is routinely a target for abuse for her beliefs.
However, the three actors' refusal to engage in that kind of confrontational discourse hasn't won them any points, it would seem. Rowling said in an interview in 2024 that she will never forgive them for criticizing her views.
On social media, Rowling's petty and ungrateful comments didn't land well with most people.
For someone constantly bleating on about how intolerant people are of her beliefs, Rowling sure seems intolerant of her former colleagues'.