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People Divulge The Most Interesting Revelation They Had About The Opposite Sex

Two orange eggs with the male and female symbols on them
two oranges with faces drawn on them sitting next to each other

Reddit user zenithjonesxxx asked: 'What's the most interesting revelation you've had about the opposite sex?'

The older we get, the more fascinated we become with our bodies and how much they change and evolve with each passing year.

Once we start taking human biology in high school and middle school, we become equally, if not more fascinated by the opposite sex, and the genetic differences and similarities.

Of course, the most interesting discoveries we make about genders different from our own are not always found in a textbook.

Sometimes the most fascinating things we learn about gender come from observations of our friends and loved ones.

That can often lead us to discover things that should have been obvious to us, and other times leave us shocked by what we were completely oblivious to.

Redditor zenithjonesxxx was eager to hear the most surprising discoveries people made about a gender different from their own, leading them to ask:
"What's the most interesting revelation you've had about the opposite sex?"

Likely A Case By Case Scenario

"It's all fun and games until you put her favorite bra in the dryer, even accidentally."- TheLonelyScientist

Men Will Likely Never Fully Grasp This Concept...

"I was 16/17 when I found out periods happen over time, not an instant gush of blood that comes out at some random point over a one-week time period."

"I blame adverts for panty liners where they poured all the blue liquid out at once."- samdd1990

Shampooing Must Quite The Burden...

"As a dude I grew my hair really long and the amount of hair I had to pull outta my butt while showering was shocking."

"Crazy that so many long-haired ladies had been pulling hair out their butts most their lives."- KillerGoose

Who's "They" Though?

"That they don’t care much about our flaws like we think."- quarterlife94

"They can withstand you lying on top of them."- FlatulentParamecium

A Universal Truth

"That nothing stands the test of time in a relationship more than kindness."

"It can’t be faked long term."

"It’s literally the most important quality in a mate."- trulyfreely

Well... DUH!

"I learnt on Reddit that they don't stick those pad things to themselves."

' They stick it to their underwear."

"I guess it's obvious in hindsight"- TokiStark

Give Me A Small, Medium Or Large Any Day...

"Their pants don’t have a waist size and leg length."

"Just an arbitrary number."

"The f*ck is a size 3?"

"I had no idea a size 3 was tiny."

"It was the first number that popped into my head."- PewpyDewpdyPantz


Maybe They Were...

"I truly thought the hoodies were mine."- pavonearse

Among The Many Injustices Women Suffer...

"It was decades ago, but until I lived with a woman I had no clue how expensive bras were."

"I honestly thought they were like underpants -- maybe $10 for a three-pack."- RetroactiveRecursion

That Is, If They're Thinking At All...

"Men really do sit there and think about the most random things."

"You think they’re mad at you, but they’re seriously just contemplating what would happen if oxygen just suddenly disappeared for a brief moment."- Ill_Pumpkin8217

Think Mad Men GIFGiphy

Reverse Psychology?

"Shirt buttons are on the other side?"

"But, why?"- Fr8tliner

"The wealthy used to be dressed by servants."- scornflake

Even If They Don't Always Like To Show It...

"Men are incredibly emotional humans in a way that deserves so much showing up for and gentleness."

"I used to believe the stereotypes and didn’t always hold space for men to bring their emotions."

"But once I began clocking into how some men show up in their emotions, I was able to see how awesome they are in that space."- sahipps

Everyone has an opinion on the real differences between men and women.

Even so, be it in their DNA, brain function, clothing sizes or habits, finding a key difference is futile.

As in one way or another, all people are unique.

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