Good Morning and welcome to another episode of our favorite imaginary game show, Stupid or Shady, where a woman tries to figure out if a man's shenanigans are... well... because he's stupid, or shady.
Get it right and you live to play another day. Get it wrong, and you get to have your time completely wasted and/or be in mortal danger.
So fun.
Seriously, this is not fun. It is terrifying and exhausting. Stop making women play it.
Unfortunately for Quinn Martin, "Jake from Hinge" was about to drag her into another round with his offer of a "rooftop lounge" for a date spot.
When he asked her on the date, he told her it was to "a BYOB rooftop lounge that just opened that not many people know about."
But when he gave her the address, it was for an apartment complex.
Quinn questioned him on it as soon as she looked it up. Jake did admit that it was the rooftop lounge at his apartment complex, apologized for his phrasing, and said he was "sorry it came off the wrong way."
But the whole thing left Quinn feeling uneasy. Was the "phrasing" done because he was being stupid and trying to upsell the experience ?
Or was it because he was being shady and trying to trick her with the hopes he could get her into his actual apartment?
Stupid or Shady? Here we go again.
@quinnallyn Quite literally escaped my own episode of SVU 😜💞😁🫶🏻 #nyc #firstdate #hingehorrorstories #lawandordersvu
Now, here's the thing—this could have been cool. Some apartment complexes have incredible lounges.
It's pretty common, you get cool stuff like outdoor grills, mini fridges and private cabanas, coffee machines, game rooms, etc... There are even bathrooms so guests never need to go to the actual apartment.
They're typically not crowded since only residents and their guests can use them, they're not overpriced since all of it is covered in the rent/mortgage/fees the resident pays, plus, hello, how cool is a rooftop lounge?
In warmer climates, the lounges often include things like a year-round rooftop pool. In NYC, where this happened, the rooftop lounges at apartments are often some of the coolest green spaces with the best views.
Rather than being upfront with Quinn, though, "Jake from Hinge" opted for the salesman phrasing leaving her to play detective.
TikTok was pretty sure this was "Shady" and Quinn wasn't the only one who had something like this happen to them.
Whatever doubts we had about "Jake from Hinge" maybe just being misunderstood were put to rest when he reached out to Quinn again.
It wasn't to apologize, it was to scold her for posting his address.
He took the same tactic he took with the date—pulling out the impressive words. Unfortunately, Quinn had figured out his game by now and was completely unmoved.
She was, however, amused and figured TikTok might enjoy an update.
@quinnallyn Replying to @driftingmillennial i didnt give out his address? I thought it was a rooftop lounge!!? 🤔😌😁 #whotoldjake #fyp
Hopefully Quinn has better luck dating in the future and "Jake from Hinge"—whoever you really are—try a little bit of honesty.
Nobody likes playing these games.
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