Oh Gordon. Why are you so harsh? But also so on point and enthralling. Who doesn't love when Gordon is on a roll? In fact in makes him sexy and fun as hell! And... he is always right!
Redditor /TheDemonicPsycho wanted to know how much they love Gordon's words by asking.... What is your favorite Gordon Ramsay insult?
"Don't whistle at me, you look more like a dog than I do"
GiphyThere was a woman who whistled at him to fix her food and he goes "Don't whistle at me, you look more like a dog than I do!" Then when he got her food ready he said something like make sure you put a leash on her plate so the woman doesn't run off with it. Stellaextra22
Salad Issues....
Gordon Ramsay: was there anything I ate tonight that wasn't microwaved?
Person: the salad
Gordon Ramsay: of course the salad wasn't microwaved you damn Donut! fireflies123_
The Favorite.
"I've never, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you." thiswasyouridea
Oh damn I actually remember that one. That's my favorite episode. aspirationalcornhusk
"How about a thank you, you miserable wee fool?"
Some of my absolute favorites, mostly because they are so spontaneous!
- "You give me them anaemic bits of crap, I'll f*cking throw them up your butt sideways."
- "Hey panini head, are you listening to me?"
- "For what we are about to eat, may the Lord make us truly not vomit."
- "This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing 'Under the Sea.'"
- "How about a thank you, you miserable wee fool?" drunkolive99
Giphy"come here you! You useless sack of pee and wind" wolfofluna
"Andy, you're a first class fool"
"Andy, you're a first class fool"
"You're about as consistent as pigeon poop on Trafalgar Square"
"Forget me? How about forget you"
"And he's standing there looking like a toilet brush"
"F off you piece of damn yankie dankie doodle poop, F off will you please yeah?"
"Right, well I'll get you your pumpkin, and I'll ram it up your useless butt, would you like it whole or diced?"
"Don't whistle at me I'm not your damn dog, you look like more of a dog than I do"
Just some of my favorites. CallMeKevinsUsedSock
That's why it's called non-stiiiiiiiiiiick!
"You know, if you sauté scallops in a non-stick pan, they won't stick. That's why it's called non-stiiiiiiiiiiick!
I don't know what they call it in Texas, sweetheart, but damn me!" Back2Bach
GiphyChimichanga? More like chimi-chuck-it-in-the-bin! SgtShickamabob
I remember it as chimi chuck it in the bin.. but that was hilarious and I laugh when I think about it. ParagAgarwal
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Cause thats how it escaped out of this restaurant, thats how f-ing raw this is." HardShellFlamboyancy
Who else has a Gordon share?