You gotta hand it to humans--find an outlet to be funny and creative, and they'll find it.
When wireless companies allowed you to start creating your own funny wifi names, creatives took the bait.
u/K4NZ0 asked:
What's the best Wi-Fi name you've seen?
Here were some of those names.
A Little Too Telling
"Crack Shack" which wasn't exactly creative but we later found out that the owners were arrested for selling drugs.
I'm All Signals
My younger brother set his mobile hotspot to "Hot Singles in Your Area" and I'm never gonna get over it.
Confusing The Masses
We're not allowed to have our own routers on campus, so I named mine AT&T Mobile Hotspot.
Wi Phi
I install internet etc. for a living.
Best one I ever came up with was for the DeltaPhi sorority, DeltaWiPhi, they loved it.
Ping Ping!
For the longest time, I had my phones hotspot name as 'Police Surveillance Tricycle'.
Turns out, its a good way to get some people paranoid and have others amused over the whole thing when having it active during classes.
Click Right On Here!
One of my son's (probably about 12 or 13 at the time) friend's father set added a Wi-Fi channel named "Free Internet Porn" when his son had a birthday sleep-over. The father then sat outside the area where they were sleeping and listened to them spend hours trying to figure out how to connect. My son called me that night asking how to connect to a Wi-Fi channel when you don't know the password because his friend forgot their password. I told him the only way was to guess. Evidently it kept them busy and out of trouble all night!
Belshazzar Would Be Proud
My dads a huge fan of the matrix and calls every router we've ever had the Nebuchadnezzar
Who's On First
Password was idontknow
Hilarious when anyone asked him how to get on his WiFi. It was like a vaudeville routine.
People Share Which Social Norms Absolutely Baffle Them | George Takei’s Oh Myyy
'Protected CeX'
'Unprotected CeX'
for a british electronics store called CeX
Grandma's Got Jokes
When my grandma was getting her WiFi set up, we asked her what she'd say to people who asked for her WiFi. She said that she would tell them to "Go to Hell", so that's now her password. So whenever people ask for the WiFi password, she tells them, "Go to Hell".