Dad jokes can feel like the unloved step-sibling of the comical world. "Why would we laugh at something so obvious and stupid?"
Becuase it's hilarious, that's why. Just check out the following entries below and see for yourself.
Reddit user, u/GrotiusandPufendorf, wanted to know what the funniest jokes on the planet are when they asked:
What is your favorite dad joke?
A Murder Of Cows?
Dad: Look at that flock of cows over there.
Kids: A HERD of cows.
Dad: Of course I heard of cows, there is a flock of them right over there.
Note: pulled that joke successfully a few times, and my kids even did it to their summer camp instructor.
We Should Probably Leaf
At the park with my girls: "Dad, can we go play?"
Me: "sure, just stay away from those trees over there"
Girls: " umm...ok, why?"
Me: " I don't know...they look a little shady to me."
Good for producing eye rolls
What Better Way To Carry It Home
"Would you like the milk in the bag?"
Dad: "No thanks, you can keep it in the carton."
Scrambled Or Over-Easy?
Dad at breakfast: I'll have bacon and eggs, please
Waiter: How do you like your eggs?
Dad: I don't know, I haven't gotten them yet!
Feeling The Humor
Dad: "Nice shirt, is that felt?"
Not Dad: "No."
Dad: Reaches over and touches sleeve "It is now!"
That Joke Killed!
Why do graveyards have gates?
Because people are dying to get in.
My Dad always told it passing a graveyard.
Stating The Obvious, But Still Hilarious
I had a terrible day yesterday. As I was walking home, a man in a wheelchair stole my camouflage jacket!
As he was wheeling away, I shouted after him, "you can hide but you can't run!"
Give It A Second...
A magician was walking down the street.
Then, he turned into a grocery store.
That's Always The Point
Not a joke in the traditional sense but, when I'm at a restaurant and the waitress says "Do you wanna box for that?" I always reply with "No, but I'll wrestle you for it."
No one ever gets it but it makes me laugh. And that's the point, right?