Florida has earned the unfortunate reputation of being the progenitor of the "Florida Man" – an individual who commits really stupid crimes.
Examples of ridiculous crimes include a man having sex while stealing a trailer; the man who sets off fireworks inside a Wendy's; and a man who was caught watching the solar eclipse while trying to steal a vehicle.
Those are just the tip of the iceberg.
Florida's reputation is not helped by the fact that a state law allows easy access for public records – which include police arrests.
The numerous bizarre headlines leave many residents planting face to palm as non-Floridians endlessly mock the sunshine state.
Which leaves many like Redditor broseidon_13_ to wonder:
"Non Americans of reddit, what's your equivalent of the 'Florida man?'"
It turns out, "Florida Man" has plenty of international counterparts.
Naples Man
"Here in Italy it's 'Man from Naples,' usually. I don't wanna be racist, I love Naples and Neapolitans, but there are some weird 'Man from Naples' headlines lemme tell you."
"As somebody who leaves in Avellino, that is roughly 2 hours from Naples I can confirm you they are the italian 'Florida Man.'"
– ConteIT
Kenyan Politician
"Here in Kenya it is our Governer. This guy broke out of jail, started a taxi Buisiness, said he hates politics, and proceeded to become Governer."
He's Finnish
"Finland here, Nokia man. They be always popping pills and driving a head on crash to a moped-car and say they thought it was a semi-truck. Taking over a cop car and flipping the bird..."
"Or maybe Vantaa man, but that's pretty Helsinki centrist imo."
An Estonian County
"Im estonian and we have a place called Idavirumaa witch means east viru land and people there are like florida man mixed with a russian and drunk finniah man."
– awchtit1
The Hungary Man
"Hungary: it's Miskolc. This city is Florida and Alabama in one place."
– Matyezda
"Oh no. Florida and Alabama in one place sounds like a degenerate nightmare.. I'm from the North Eastern US (New England) and I would 1000% rather be euthanized than live In Alabama or Florida. Specifically those two states."
– jebzz12
Logan Man
"Every city has its equivalent. In Brisbane, QLD, Logan man is probably the most infamous. My father contacts around the Logan shopping centre, and has a story every other week of the police clashing with the locals. About two months ago, one tried to burgle a Hungry Jacks (Burger King), only to find that the restaurant, which was still doing drive through, was still staffed. Shocked, he ran over the road, stole a car and posted admit his cunning theft on social media, which the police just happen to monitor. This was all within 24 hours of him being released from prison. 'Logan man' is typically the start of a great headline in a Brisbane news feed. The Aussie slang for a lazy, willfully ignorant, possibly deranged miscreant is a bogan (and yes, bogan from Logan is a source of much mirth and many a derisive headline)."
Things "Polish Man" Would Do Or Has Done
"Polish man, it's pure gold."
"Polish man mistakes iron for telephone"
"Polish man finds a bullet in his head five years after party"
"Polish man electrocuted while peeing"
"Polish man tries to bury wife alive"
"Polish man tries to rob a bank with a spoon"
"Polish man dressed as Gandalf stops an upcoming train"
"Polish man decapitates himself during a macho contest"
"Polish man blows up house after his family goes to a picnic without him"
"Lost Polish tourist made fire to signalize his location, starts a huge fire in Montenegro"
"Polish man terrorises a village with a tank"
The French Conflict
"For people from Paris, it's people from anywhere else in France, for everybody else in France it's people from Paris and sub-urban Paris."
Oh, Brian
"In Denmark we got Brian, don't know why though."
"I'm old enough to answer that. It's due to a radio satire program with a character named Brian back in the 80's/90s. It became popular to an extend where it crept into everyday language. Like tuned golf GTI became a 'Brian-car' etc etc."