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Foods People Desperately Tried To Like But Couldn't Get Into

plates of food
Coralline Clin on Unsplash

Reddit user cloudtdaz asked: 'What food have you tried liking but just can’t?'

There's a misconception that some foods are so superb in flavor or quality that everyone will love them, but taste is extremely subjective. A person's sense of taste can vary greatly even within the same family.

There's also some debate about the capabilities of the human tongue.

Biology suggests human taste buds only detect four flavors:

  1. sweet
  2. bitter
  3. sour
  4. salty
But most culinary experts speak in terms of seven flavor profiles:
  1. sweet
  2. bitter
  3. sour
  4. salty
  5. meaty/umami
  6. cool/minty
  7. hot/spicy

What one person tastes is likely not an exact match to what someone else does.

Some people love spicy foods while others feel physical pain when eating foods featuring chilis. Some people are sensitive to salt while others add extra salt to everything they eat.

Because our sense of taste is so individual, it's inevitable some popular foods won’t be palatable to everyone. And that's not even considering texture, smell or appearance which can also turn a diner right off.

Curious about which foods left people disappointed, Reddit user cloudtdaz asked:

"What food have you tried liking but just can’t?"


"Peeps, the Easter sugared candy."

"I like to think I can digest anything covered in sugar BUT NOT THAT...."

~ Asapdustybraids

"They’re best when they’re stale. I can’t eat them fresh."

~ Vicktrolia

"My grandmother would send them to my dad every single year. He would leave them in the cabinet for probably 2-3 years. When the new pack arrived on Easter he popped open the 3-year-old pack."

~ DrKennethNoisewater-

"He dry aged peeps. That's incredible and terrifying."

~ BeesNeverSting

"Peeps are some of the foulest creations that have ever hit the food realm. Whoever invented them needs to have their existence removed from history."

~ shatteredhelix42

Peeps GIFGiphy



"I hated them as a kid but as an adult I decided to try them again, thinking maybe my tastebuds had matured by then."

"Nope. They were still just as awful as I remembered."

~ kanna172014

"My grandpa used to eat them every morning with coffee instead of milk."

"I'm not sure if he was lactose intolerant or what but good grief, I can't imagine what that combination tasted like."

~ hornet_teaser

"As a kid, I never felt more lied to."

"I liked grape juice and grape flavored candy, so why wouldn’t I like 'Grape-Nuts'?"

~ triton2toro

"Hate the cereal, but love the ice cream."

"Not sure if it's just regional, but here in Maine Grape-Nuts ice cream was around for decades. I think only Gifford's still makes it commercially."

~ LakotaGrl

Just Offal

"Intestines/innards of any kind and solid portions of fat on meat."

"One of my husband's favorite dishes is barbequed intestines (Japanese barbecue) and I can smell its appeal, but I physically can't deal with the texture."

"And it really saddens me because I've always wanted to eat menudo and I know the soup is bomb AF 😭."

"I think I have some sort of fat/chewy PTSD from when I was forced to eat gristle off of meat as a kid."

~ LeocadiaPualani

"Yeah I can't do innards either."

My mom loves that stuff because 'it was the cheap stuff back then" and they had a big family. I guess I'm glad I'm an only child."

~ ilovepeachpie

Black Licorice

"Black licorice."

"I've accepted my DNA just can't stand the stuff."

~ slimpawws

"My mom loves it. She makes it look so good."

"I'm 29 and I still think 'hmm maybe this time...'."

"Nah. It's like tar vomit."

~ lpcoolj1

"Same with my mom."

"Black licorice, black jellybeans. She loved ‘em."

"I inherited exactly ZERO of her taste buds for that."

"It is the foulest flavor ever."

~ Retro_Dad

"Black licorice tastes like depression."

~ pr0f0undleader

black licorice GIFGiphy


"I can’t drink eggnog."

"Every year I give it a shot and try to like it, but I just can’t."

~ cyberzed11

"I mean , it’s essentially drinking (sometimes alcoholic ) custard. So that’s fair."

"I myself cannot be trusted with eggnog and should not be left unsupervised or I will put a straw in a half gallon container and slowly sip years off my life."

~ logicjab

"I’ve always thought it tastes like bad bubblegum so I’ve never really been a fan either."

~ Huntsvegas97

"Liquid snot."

~ SalesTaxBlackCat

"Yep this. I give it a shot every year to see if it’s changed. It doesn’t."

"I give it to someone else in my house who likes it; or pour it down the drain."

~ Electric_Leopard

"It’s truly awful. Texture taste smell, all just bad."

~ ruffsnap


"Liver the smell alone makes me sick."

~ Redditor

"I just wonder how Humans get to that stage."

"They find something, it smells foul, cook it, still smells foul, AND THEN DARES TO EAT IT."

"We're glorious as a species."

~ xseodz

"I'm guessing when we first started eating liver, humans didn't smell very good either."

~ LakotaGrl

"I have tried it maybe 15 times, different preparations because people claim their recepie makes it not taste like sh*t."

"Lo and behold, it still tastes like funky iron meat."

"I don't even like foie gras for the same reason, that metallic taste comes through, ugh!"

~ doomLoord_W_redBelly


"Kombucha, smells like stinky feet and taste like vinegar to me."

~ -LordKromdar-

"Kombucha absolutely DOES taste like vinegar, coming from someone who loves it. Other kombucha enjoyers will try to deny the vinegar taste, I embrace it because I bloody love vinegar."

"I even have 'sipping vinegars' in my fridge in various flavors, to add to cocktails or to pour a shot glass of and sip on… just pure vinegar."

"Very strange of me, and I totally understand why other people would not like that flavor."

~ UnderwaterParadise

"Oooh people used to drink vinegary things a lot more because they were refreshing! Try raspberry shrub!"

~ lyan-cat

Kombucha GIFGiphy

Sparkling Water

"I know this is a drink, but sparkling water."

"I like some flavors, but I can’t stand that after taste. Bleh!"

~ TruBluBritt

"The way I describe it: 'it's what tv static would taste like' or 'it's the same flavor as hitting your funny-bone'."

~ LazyLich

"We were given some flavored water at work and my employee said it tasted like 'a strawberry farted in the water'."

~ g-e-o-f-f

"My son calls LaCroix a piece of fruit waving to to a can of water."

~ pittipat

"I say with Perrier that someone yelled a flavour into the water."

~ structuredchronicles

"My favorite is 'someone placed a lime skittle next to some soda water'."

~ DosiMoe

Overnight Oats

"Overnight oats. They're basically lumpy, cold snot in my throat first thing in the morning."

"I gag just thinking about adding chia seeds."

~ DarkDesireX

"This comment has me literally confused as to if I actually like my overnight oats or just tell myself I do."

~ Lord_Knorr

"Oh man. I feel this."

"It just looks like refrigerated vomit to me. Absolutely not."

~ slmr38

"I tried to like overnight oats for a couple of weeks."

"Tried a bunch of different recipes, but they all ended up being disgustingly sweet slop."

"The only one I sort-of liked was the 'chai latte' one, which emphasized spices over sweets."

"Still not worth the effort to make them—I'd rather just make microwave oatmeal."

~ Noise_Cancellation


"Wine. Every year I'll try it around the holidays with family and it's still gross."

~ Redditor

"You can only appreciate wine after you have tasted the bitterness of life."

~ Spirited-Site-Hunter

"Once in my life I have tasted wine that I actually liked, and that was Golconda wine, which I tried in Darjeeling."

"After I got back to the USA, I decided that I would, for the first time in my life, actually spend money to acquire wine."

"Went to a wine shop. They had never heard of it."

"Turns out it’s not exported, and if you want some, you have to go to India."

~ Wild-Lychee-3312

wine GIFGiphy


"Olives. I've tried many varieties."

"I always try them because they look like they'd be good but they're just not."


"As a bartender for over a decade, I’m constantly surrounded by olives."

"They always look good & once in a while I’m like 'do I like these yet?'.”

"No. I still hate olives, & I hate myself more for trying again each time & expecting different results."

~ kandixchaotic2


"Matcha ! Just tastes like grass to me."

~ mulberrycedar

"I worked in a business park that had a matcha headquarters in it. They moved out and dumped big boxes full of matcha samples that they took to trade shows."

"Never tried it before but I was thinking what a treat I had found, I would be enjoying free matcha for at least a year if not longer."

"Boy was I wrong."

~ TiogaJoe

"Seriously, I do not get the hype about it at ALL."

"Like when people tell me matcha frappes at Starbucks are the best I'm just like 🥴🥴 bffr dude?"

"That sh*t tastes like creamier wheatgrass. Nasty."

~ SilverWorry8047


"Any kind of mushroom."

"It's not the texture there is always a taste that i cant do for some reason."

~ Correct_Ad4937

"Taste and texture for me! It’s the only food I absolutely hated since I was a child."

~ BelenadaSilva

"Same. I can eat them on a supreme pizza because they just get lost in everything else, but if I can taste them, I'm out."

~ notonrexmanningday

"Eating cooked mushrooms feels like chewing on rubber."

~ Icy_Ad_9134

mushrooms GIF by XboxGiphy


"Beets. I just can't."

~ Many_Dirlam

"What got me to like cooked beets was a beet and goatcheese salad at an upperscale restaurant."

~ dilfybro

"Nope! Tried one of those and they still taste like dirt."

"I don't care how you prepare them, pickled, roasted, whatever the f'k, they taste like dirt."

~ vandelayATC

"Vile root.

" Wash them, peel them, boil them, add sugar, mix with sour cream, put in a salad, all you accomplish is different tastes to accompany the overwhelming flavor of DIRT."

~ logicjab



~ crablegsforlife

"Soggy fried okra is the dinner of my nightmares."

~ Bigsam1514

"Okra is an abomination."

"I like damn near all vegetables but that slimy bullsh*t can f'k right off back to the ectoplasmic bog it slithered out of."

~ An_Appropriate_Song

"Okra? She’s not that bad."

"You have to at least admit she was generous with the audiences and she's a decent interviewer."

~ Redditor

Oprah GIFGiphy

I have two to add that weren't mentioned:

  • lima beans
  • salmon

Which is embarrassing as both are culinary staples in my culture.

Lima beans are probably disliked by plenty of people, but salmon is on lots of restaurant menus. I've tried it over a dozen ways—poached, broiled, grilled, pan-seared, smoked, marinated, as sashimi, dried, loafed, baked—and I just don't like the taste of it.

Salmon is the only fish or seafood I've tried that I dislike and I've had both octopus and sea urchin. I'm sure my ancestors are mocking me.

Have you ever really wanted to like a popular food but ended up giving it a hard pass?

Share your experience in the comments!

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