Conservative Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren got blasted on Twitter this week after insinuating Joe Biden following mask guidelines was somehow effeminate.
Might as well carry a purse with that mask, Joe.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) October 6, 2020
The tweet was in response to Biden calling out President Trump for his dramatic mask removal at the White House while still contagious. Trump had just been transferred to the White House medical suite from Walter Reed hospital after being treated for the virus.
Tomi—known for her outspoken viewpoints—managed to turn following health and safety guidelines during a pandemic into a gendered issue.
The union representing Spokane County Fire District 8, who work to maintain safety, had a simple message for Tomi tweeting:
"As we do one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. We'd carry a purse to [sic] if it meant keeping our community safe."
Someone call the burn unit.
As we do one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. We'd carry a purse to if it meant keeping our community safe
— Spokane Co.FD8 Firefighters (@spokaneco8_3711) October 6, 2020
The burn from the fire union district reached national attention with tens of thousands of likes, comments, and retweets praising the response.
I think someone needs to call the local fire department for my house because that was 🔥🔥🔥
— Kira (@rylcnt) October 7, 2020
The burn unit.
— 🍄Crisis Actor🍄 Comrade Covfefe (@ComradCovfefe45) October 6, 2020
Thank you for the job you are doing and for showing how important mask are during this pandemic. I have a choice to stay home away from don't.
— Carol Woodward (@CarolWo98034558) October 7, 2020
And I just fell that much more in love with our firefighters!
— JD Leighty (@voodoobones) October 7, 2020
You just redefined "burn". Will be following. 🙌🏽
— CarolinaA (@Carolin87916770) October 6, 2020
Yessss!!!!!!! Probably one of my new all time favorite tweets.
— thatpinkdoor (@thatpinkdoor) October 7, 2020
Thank you @spokaneco8_3711 for you work!🙏🏿
— JoeBanks (@JoeBanks88) October 7, 2020
When someone pointed out a small grammatical error the fire district still had some heat to throw.
Sorry.. messed that up Apologize about the grammatical error. But, we do know how many gallons of water it takes to put out a fire or milligrams of epinephrine to use in a cardiac arrest.
— Spokane Co.FD8 Firefighters (@spokaneco8_3711) October 6, 2020
Union President and fulltime firefighter Jay Wilkins spoke to KREM 2 about the tweet saying:
"This was never intended to be political, but it has gotten there,"
"What struck me is that folks who have a high degree of influence using that influence to move away from the science of the spread of [the virus]."
"And it's a challenge we face every day on the job. What we've found out is that when folks don't believe the science, it affects our working conditions."
"And it, of course, affects the community. So we feel like working together as a community is the only way to prevent or decrease the spread at least."
Other users pointed to the difference in candidates health and Lahren's odd perception of gender roles in a pandemic.
Why does Lahren think being irresponsible and holding superspreader events is masculine? Does she hate men?
One of them has Covid and the other wears a mask...
— Jamie (@jluds3) October 6, 2020
Wtf is this? As though only men carry purses? This is just rude, Tomi.
I get that you have a "role" to play as "perky right wing public blonde #14" but consider nixing the homophobia.
— Cantrip Candles (@CantripCandles) October 7, 2020
As a healthcare worker, I am saddened to read this from you. Masks save peoples health and sometimes even their lives. It is not masculine or feminine. It is human.
— Sarty (@sartytf) October 6, 2020
Oooh, that internalized misogyny is spiiiicy.
Also, let's ask ourselves...whose camp has COVID tearing through it buck wild at the moment? Maybe there *is* something to those weak, womanly masks after all.
— BLACK LIVES MATTER (@GigaGuess) October 7, 2020
Oh, what a zinger! It's so funny because women carry purses and he's man! Also, women are weak and that's why they carry purses so that means he's a weak woman! Your tweet is so deeply layered I'm only now discovering the nuance.
— Mrs. Bacon (@mrsbacon) October 6, 2020
Heterosexual man here: if I was told carrying a purse would increase my chances to live for the next 18 months by 90%; sign me up.
(You people are so weird)
— YS (@NYinLA2121) October 6, 2020
I didn't realize you were a misogynist as well as a racist, Tammy.
— Mary E. McGlynn (@MaryEMcGlynn) October 6, 2020
One of them is jacked up on a potent cocktail of experimental drugs and steroids that aren't available to the public and, has a team of 12 physicians. One of them wears a mask. Learn the difference and delete your Tweet Tomi. #TrumpHasCovid #TrumpDrugs #WearAMask
— Jules Morgan (@glamelegance) October 6, 2020
Stay healthy and safe and if physically able, wear your mask!