We are inundated with so much "entertainment" content these days.
The list of what I refuse to waste time on long outweighs the stuff I can't wait to see.
Some of these shows look like a mess.
RedditorRepairOdd2957wanted to hear about what we're avoiding in film and television and why? They asked:
"What's one show/movie that you just refuse to watch, no matter how popular it is and why?"
I avoid most tv. Especially if it's a reality thing. And I'm at peace in that life choice.
"Riverdale. No further questions your honor."
Minus 50
"50 shades of grey (cause it’s terrible)."
"I read the first book knowing it was terrible but I just had to 'experience"'it. However, I HIGHLY recommend this blog, it's so funny and I'm not ashamed to say I read every single post : https://redlemonade.blogspot.com/p/fifty-shades-of-tedious-f*ckery.html"
"The Bachelor."
"And the Bachelorette. It all feels gross."
"It is gross. I still can’t believe someone pitched that idea and everyone in the room was like 'that sounds awesome!' Then they aired it and waaaaaaay too many people said 'this is awesome!' Meanwhile I’m feeling like the crazy one for thinking it’s gross."
No K!
"Keeping up with the Kardashians. There's no reason to watch it."
"I'm proud of having never seen as much as ten consecutive seconds of anything K*rdashian. That was everywhere a few years ago, but I got to be very fast at closing browser tabs or changing the channel quickly whenever it showed up."
Decades Later
"Grey's Anatomy. I don't need to see 18 seasons of people in a hospital."
I do love Grey's. So rethink avoiding this one.
No Carole
"Tiger King. I don't care."
"I sat down to watch it at the height of its popularity. Five minutes in, the power went out and so I took it as a sign from the universe to just not continue."
13 No's
"Thirteen Reasons Why. I work in mental health, and this show should never have been created."
"I didn't watch all of it. I remember a scene in which Clay says 'I cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her.' That disturbed me. As if the suicide was partially his fault because they didn't become a couple on her schedule. Nobody is required to date someone at the time that the other person wants it."
"The idea of blaming someone for your suicide-- and taking such extra measures to make sure that they know it's their fault-- is so toxic. It never sat right with me, both while reading the book and watching."
Too Cruel
"90 day fiancé. It just sounds like a really cruel premise and I feel bad for the people who come from another country to marry someone just to end up hating them or realizing they’re not compatible."
"Season one was really interesting and felt way more like a good look at the process of the fiancé visa. Then it got more focused on the drama then by season… 4 it just started fully exploiting people and got too uncomfortable to watch."
Be Quiet!
"The Masked Singer. Just… no."
"The kid I nanny used to watch it and she would tel me about it and bee like 'guess who the bee was?!?! DONNY OSMOMD!' And have absolutely no ducking clue who Donny Osmomd was because she was 8. It was hilarious honestly."
"When I saw that Rudy Giuliani was one of the singers I wondered who did the singing for him because I can't imagine him having a good singing voice."
I'm going slow...
"The Fast and the Furious. I just don't care about cars going vroom vroom."
"The first few are pretty decent heist movies but they get ridiculous, the latest one they strap a car to an icbm and go to space in diving gear. That’s not even the dumbest scene."
Bored Now
"The Walking Dead, I’m just really tired of zombie stuff, there was a while where everything had zombies in it and it was just super overused and talking to the fans of the show it’s basically, find base, get locked in, have fight with people or zombies and have to find more home."
Well I have successfully avoided most of this mess. Good on me.
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