It's always fun to be a little naughty, isn't it? We all have that urge to pickpocket a little something now and again. (Not that we should, that would be wrong, unless it's from Walmart; I jest.)
But we all love to dabble in the devious, the feeling can break up the monotony of the day.
That's why it's always fun to sometimes participate in an action or be aware of a knowledge that feels like it should get us arrested.
It maybe naughty but it ain't illegal.
Redditoru/poisionivey3wanted to see who was willing to spill some secret tea by asking:
What's a piece of information you know that feels illegal to know?
Eating grapes for testing at the grocery store. Everyone does it. Is it technically illegal? Does that count? I mean as long as I don't treat it like Golden Coral, I should fine, yet it feels so mischievous.
Pick-Up Artist
"I'm trying to lockpick. I'm terrified how easy was pick my bicycle lock. My first attempt and it took 5 minutes."
Info Wars
"We can all easily find out what people paid for their house. Seems kind of personal, but it's very public. Same with divorce records."
"People being able to look up that crap is obnoxious as a semi-new homeowner. Spammers scour that crap, so the first 6 months 90% of your mail is trying to sell you mortgage insurance (the home equivalent of the car "extended waranTEE" scam calls), and a fair number of the telemarketer calls I get are people trying to purchase my house (I haven't listened to any of those long enough to know what the angle is there)."
- 00zau
"Elvis Presley's autopsy will be released in 2027."
"From what I was able to dig up the family requested the autopsy and not the state. Since the family requested the autopsy they had the option to seal it."
- Mt838373
In the Air
"According to what a flight attendant told me, the TVs on airplanes that charge you to watch aren't connected to the wifi when they're at the gate, so you can scan any card that resembles a debit card. They just store the info to be charged later, so if you give them a bogus card, you might still be able to get free tv."
the meg
"Nutmeg, when eaten in large quantities, is a psychedelic drug that can cause hallucinations, coma, or even death."
Nutmeg for the high? Now I wish I had known that sooner! Also, I never thought about lockpicking being shady. So many useful tips here. Let's see who else is a bandit in the making.
"Youtube Vanced is a free app that's basically Youtube premium without spending money."
Old Codes
"Really (before 1997/98 or so) old microsoft product keys relied on a REALLY simple validity check. They were numbers in the form XXXX-YYYYYYY. The first 4 digits were specific to the software (I think Office 97 was 0402?) and fixed. The last 7 .. the check was just that the sum of all digits has to be able to be divided by 7 without rest. So 1111111 worked all the time. 1234567 worked all the time, 7777777 did."
- cerker
10 Items or Less
"If your local Walmart is closed overnight but there are employees working there, the doors probably aren't locked and the self check registers are on. There's actually nothing keeping you from going in there, picking up a few items, using self checkout and walking out. I work at Walmart overnight and this guy did that a couple nights ago. He didn't speak English and when a manager noticed him they actually just escorted him to grab his items, check out and go."
Crazy Historical Events That Sound Fake But Are 100% True | George Takei’s Oh Myyy
Show me thew $$$
"How much my coworkers make."
"Fun fact: talking about your salary (i'm assuming you're in the US) is one of the few things your boss can't fire you for."
"How a lot of places just let you and a friend in if you wear a construction vest and helmet and carry a ladder."
"Back in the day, we used to go to this very popular night club, where people started lining up at 6pm. Met a guy inside partying one night wearing an orange construction vest. He said he bypassed the entire line and they let him right in the door, because he was wearing that vest and carrying a clipboard. He told the bouncers he was the Fire Marshal."
On the Tarmac
"If you want to disrupt an airport it is usually super easy to drive, walk, boat etc onto the tarmac directly and security will rarely notice you before you're already causing problems. Used to write marketing copy for security companies. 90% of our airport copy was "hey wanna have some security on the back end? no? maybe?"
Jeff in Seattle
"Jeff Bezos works on the 6th floor of his building Day 1 in Seattle. He has his own private security on that floor (different from building security). A silent alarm goes off when you press the elevator button and you're not Jeff Bezos and his security will be waiting to arrest you when the elevator opens."
"Aside from Native American, there is no legal definition of race in the USA so there's no such thing as "lying" about your race on a form. On the other hand, others could be in legal hot water for trying to challenge you on it with "you don't look like that race" or something along those lines."
"What jury nullification is."
"It's when the jury knows the defendant is guilty but chooses to acquit them because they are either opposed to the law, personally biased in favour of the defendant, or find the punishment is too harsh."
- kimathon
And Papa John's?
"If you google pizza hut, you get an ad for 30% off dominoes pizza (where I live anyway)."
"In my town, there are some mountain paths that have a big "ENTRY BANNED - LETHAL DANGER" sign."
"The truth is that:
- Entry is not banned, it's just that you can't count on public services if you get hurt
- The danger exists only from Monday to Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM - it's caused by the construction of avalanche barrier. Outside of that hours, it's safe to enter." - Odin_Allfathir
The Lock
"The leg lock trick around a pole. Saw it while on holidays on the west coast of Ireland."
"For those who didn't know about this :
"That's funny, I first learned of that trick in an old recreation ideas book, it was in a section on how to properly conduct a snowball war. I'm not sure what kind of snowball fights these kids in early 20th century were having, but apparently they involved impressive fortifications and actual captive prisoners."
The Edit
"In the Goonies in the news scene, one of the characters says "the octopus was scary" but there was no octopus scene, but it was a deleted scene where right after they find the gems a giant octopus fights them but they defeat it with the hand recorder."
"I've seen that clip! Despite being fun the movie is better without it (and you can pretend Data just says it because kids make up crazy crap)."
Cheap Results
"Dollar store pregnancy tests are just as effective as their more expensive counterparts."
Vend Away
"It takes minimal negotiation and paperwork to set up a vending machine. You can probs stock it up for 100 bucks buying bulk and then you'll make like twice that back."
"Edit since this has a decent amount of upvotes, a bonus fact! The Ford F-150 is the smallest vehicle that can be used as a tax write-off up to iirc a $1.2 million return, but it only applies if you use it for commerce. (I'm no tax expert so I may have gotten something wrong)."
Ok, I'm totally trying that air traffic, runway thing. Though this really makes me feel even more anxious about our airport security. Like... how is that possible? I'm gonna need more Xanax for my next flight.
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