Lots of books and movies have imagined first contact with extraterrestrials.
Sometimes it ends well, other times not so much.
So choosing the right spokesperson for Earth is critical.
Redditor Ill-Jelly2924 asked:
"Aliens come to Earth, we need a leader, who should be the president of the entire world?"
This Guy
"James from down the road. He seems to have his sh*t together."
"Had his Christmas lights down about the first weekend in January."
- baronvonbee
"The aliens."
- Renee_D608
"I for one welcome our alien overlords."
- GracchiBros
"Can't conquer the planet if we declare you leader upon arrival."
- Panic_Azimuth
"Aliens come to earth..."
"Humans: 'You are our new leaders. What next?'"
"Aliens: 'SON OF A BITCH! You know what? Nevermind, next planet'."
- josiahcruz__
"'No seriously, wait.. where are you going? We actually... no hold up, we do need a... damn it, they're gone...'."
"'We really screwed up, eh?'"
- Silver4ura
"My mom. Not even joking."
- rfd2115
"And then she start wooping their a**es (if they have any) with her 360° no scope slipper throw."
- Hefty-Cartoonist674
The Best Boy
"The dog that is a mayor in that one town."
- cheeseonmypotato
"He's certainly got the qualifications."
- invisible-hand-shake
"David Attenborough."
- _Snide
"The perfect ambassador of life on Earth."
- Ashtorot
"Not an option. The aliens would have sought him out in the earlier days to front their biographical documentary series. A once in a lifetime gig that one."
- ruka_k_wiremu
It's Not Easy Being Green
"Kermit the frog so he can relate to little green men."
- joedagrinder
"And he’d play his little banjo to win them over and steal their hearts."
- call_me_cort
"The aliens might be a little concerned about the hand up his a**."
- fugue2005
"Don't they supposedly do that to abductees anyway?"
- AnonymousPerson4
Won't You Be Our Neighbor?
"Mr. Rogers"
- DJSp00k
"We get Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, and Mr. Rogers together to make peace with the aliens."
- dragonslayer694296
"So we're just raising all the dead and making them meet with aliens?"
- TFlo904
"Throw in a Betty White, and you'd have a zombie squad."
- 9gagiscancer
"Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho."
- Reelplayer
"I was gonna say, Terry Crews, either as himself or as President Camacho."
- boot2skull
"The Doctor."
- oogeej
"It was revealed during the Twelfth Doctor’s run that every nation agreed to name the Doctor President of the Earth when there is an Alien Invasion, until said Invasion is over."
- bowtiesrcool86
Dolly Would
" Dolly Parton"
- bluevelvetwaltz
"She’d turn it down. Proof she’s the right choice."
- mochalatteicecream
"'To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job'. ~ Douglass Adams"
- AceMosaic
"Nah, she'd do the Southern Refusal and then accept it when someone super unqualified tried to step in instead."
"But she'd make sure the aliens knew she is only doing it because the people wanted her to, which she'd explain while being a gracious host."
- Elaan21
Picking the right representative during first contact is critical.
Our existence could depend on it.
So, did Reddit get it right?
Or is there someone better for the job?
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