Curiousity. It leads to great discoveries... and sometimes not. It's hard to deny the "what if" that pops into our heads. Like... can this frozen pond hold my weight? Are ya sure you wanna find out? Or how about 'what does an electric fence feel like?' All real curiosities.
BillyWobbleStick asked Reddit: What is the dumbest thing you've done out of curiousity?
Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.
Survival of the fastest?
Smacked the f*ck out of a hornet's nest with a long stick because I wanted to see if I could outrun them. Turns out I could.
How fast are hornets
How fast am I
How can I get faster than a hornet
How to treat hornet stings
Heres mine:
Pet wolf
Pet wolf
Wolf saddle
Buy wolf
Why cant i buy a wolf
How fast are wolves
How fast am i
How to become faster
Catch wolf
Wolf catching device
Map to wolf infested forests
What a way to pass the time.
A friend and I in high school decided to put on his german shepherd's shock collar and quietly go, "...woof. Woof....WOOF" until it shocked us.
Nothing abnormal here, just totally typical post-shower thoughts.
Putting deodorant on. "I wonder if it hurts if you get punched in the arm pit." So I pulled back and punched myself in the armpit as hard as I could.
It hurts.
Really badly.
Don't do it.
Did you cringe? I bet you did.
When I was like 14 or so I decided to use my dad's razor blade.
He had given me a new electric razor. Understandably he didn't think I could handle a blade. But I wanted to give it a try.
So I lathered up and went to town. And I did ok! I had a nick or two but otherwise was the cleanest shave I ever had.
I then saw the shaving cream on the blade, thought "Oh, we need to get this down the drain," and then proceeded to WIPE IT OFF WITH MY FINGER.
That was a poor decision.
It hurt? Ya don't say.
Shot myself in the thumb with a BB gun - on purpose.
I noticed that if I only pumped the gun once that I could see the BB fly across the yard, so I pumped it just once, put my thumb over the end of the barrel and pulled the trigger.
It hurt. A lot.
This is how innovation happens.
When I was fifteen years old, I kicked in my basement window so I could see how easy it was to break into my house. Turns out it is pretty f*cking easy.
Things you only do once.
Grabbed the end of a metal rod that was in a campfire. You know, those things people use to move the kindling about. Well, 7-year-old me thought that was the one thing I just needed to know what it felt like. So I picked it up from the wrong end, and I suddenly gained the knowledge of what the temperature of hell might be. Burned my hand real bad, but hey, at least I got to hold it.
This person wanted to ride a bike on water. Mmmk.
Not me but my sister's old work friend thought he could hydroplane over a lake on a bicycle so he decided to try it, there was a hill so by his logic he thought he could build up the kind of speed needed to hydroplane he went down the hill on the bike and when the bike hit the water it just totally lost all its momentum and he ended up flying over the handlebars and broke his wrist, the bike ended up sinking to the bottom, it was too deep for him to get it out and the bike was worth about €500.
I did this too. Poor choice.
Touched one of those car lighters when I was 11. Once it reaches that white hot stage, it can't possibly be hotter than glowing red amiright lol. Had circular rings on my finger and a blister for awhile from something that touched my skin for less than a second.