Kids can be cruel.
We tend to be taught way too late just how much gravity words carry.
And kids who taunt others turn into adults who taunt others or become vicious adult bullies.
Making fun of someone is never okay.
But some insults make little to no sense.
Some people will come up with ammunition to throw at others that is so off the wall that you have to laugh before you cry.
Redditor lionprincesslioness wanted to hear about the idiotic reasons people have been taunted by others, so they asked:
"What is the dumbest thing somebody has made fun of you for?"
I was made fun of for everything.
I lost track of it all.
I've moved on.
That's why my therapist has a beach house.
Horrible Kids
"My mom being dead... I was 13."
"That sucks on both counts. I hope you're doing great now and they're not."
A Real Man
"My husband got made fun of because he takes care of his kids. Bunch of older guys making fun because my husband changed diapers."
"I just became a father and I can't imagine not changing my baby’s diapers, rocking her to sleep, and being around her every day. A man who makes fun of another man for taking diligent care of his kids is just insecure about his own manhood and has horribly suppressed childhood memories of not being loved and hugged enough."
"I changed diapers on my girls, I also talk to them about puberty and breasts and menstruation, I'm their f**king dad and that's what I choose to do."
"I'm in college, I wrote a paper about how my parents met and got married. (Met in a bar, eloped 6 months later). A super religious lady in my class got offended and complained to the teacher that I was promoting non-Christian values and sinning. I defended myself by saying I was promoting love, that's all, and it comes in different shapes and sizes, time frames, etc. The teacher stood up for me and told her college might not be her thing if she gets so easily offended. My parents will celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary in less than 2 weeks."
Give it a Comeback
"Some bald guy tried to make a joke about me having a big forehead. I told him, 'At least my forehead stops somewhere.'"
"That’s a great comeback. This annoying bald guy I know always makes fun of my weight (and other women’s weight). He’s a boomer, but it’s some ancient form of begging."
"One time I got fed up cause he said 'Hey, are you pregnant again?' when I was obviously just having a fatter moment and I said, 'No, are you still bald or did you find a cure?' He got so sulky and quiet after that. It’s not my proudest moment cause I wouldn’t normally dream of mocking someone’s appearance but I just felt great cause he sucks and he needs to be taken down a few notches."
Toughen Up
"Was once told by my drunk brother that I wasn't tough enough because I had never been to jail. I told him I was never dumb enough to go to jail. He was arrogant when he drank, RIP."
Some siblings really don't know when to quit!
It's hard when you can't escape the demons.
"My gym clothes in middle school. We all literally had the same exact shorts and shirt, women included. It was just green basketball shorts and a gray shirt, and one of my fellow students called me out one day because the writing on the shirt was faded (the school name was plastered on there)."
But it's true...
"In high school, I did a presentation about the bubonic plague. In the end, I mentioned it has not been totally eradicated, and there are still occasional cases in the US."
"This was followed by laughter from everyone including my teacher. But like, it really still exists and has not been eradicated."
"Same thing happened to me when a kid gave a presentation on different types of energy sources. I asked if they looked up anything about nuclear power plants because I was genuinely curious about those. I never really hear much about them. The kid gave me a weird look and said those don’t exist anymore and the teacher and the kid both smirked like I was stupid but nuclear power plant’s definitely still exist and are in operation all over the world."
School Days
"I got laughed at the first day I wore glasses to school (4th grade). Being a pretty sensitive boy, after that I would take them off after I left the house for school, and never wore them at school again. I managed to convince my parents to let me get contact lenses when I was in 7th grade."
"I got braces in 6th grade, and once, when caught goofing around, my teacher threatened to paddle me 'so hard the metal would fly out of my mouth.' I told my parents about that, and I think my mom called the principal. But this was in 1971 or ‘72, so nothing became of it."
Lunch Hour
"I was just thinking about this the other day when I was making my kid lunch: back when I was little my mom would cut my sandwiches in half and some kids made fun of me for it. They said I was poor and the reason my mom cut my sandwich in half was so I could take half home for dinner. S**t doesn't even make sense but kids are effing stupid and will make fun of each other for anything."
"When I was in high school, apparently being a twin was 'gay'. To the point, that a dude fought me over it."
Why would a person make fun of a twin?
Some people have no life whatsoever.